Family: Poaceae
DistributionReportedly collected from: Brazil, Costa Rica, PanamaOpen Interactive Map |
HabitatElevation ProfilePrecipitation ProfileTemperature ProfileHumidity ProfileSolar Radiation ProfileWind Speed ProfileChusquea tonduzii is known from localities with an annual mean temperature of 22.9°C and precipitation of 2951 mm. Temperatures show relatively little seasonality (standard deviation ~64), varying from 28.8°C in the warmest month to 17.3°C in the coolest (isothermality ratio ~79.3). Precipitation shows moderate seasonality (coefficient of variation ~45.4), varying from 483 mm in the wettest month to 4 mm in the driest. The mean temperatures of the wettest (totaling 1212 mm) and driest (totaling 25 mm) quarters being 22.7°C and 23.1°C, respectively, and the mean precipitation of the warmest (27.9°C) and coolest (11.5°C) quarters being 593 mm and 712 mm, respectively. Tables and figures are dynamically generated by intersecting georeferenced herbarium specimen localities with 10 minute resolution WorldClim v2.1 variables (Fick and Hijmans 2017). The above data are subject to change as specimens and geocoordinates are added, removed or altered. Fick, S.E. and R.J. Hijmans, 2017. Worldclim 2: New 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology 37(12), 4302–4315. doi:10.1002/joc.5086 Specimens Referenced: [no data available] []. BRAZIL ---Santa Catarina: Reitz, Raulino 10462 [1960-12-20]. COSTA RICA ---: Acosta Vargas, Luis [2006-02-08], Alfaro Vindas, Evelio [2003-06-07], Burger, William C. 5261 [1968-05-25], Clark, Lynn G. 497 [1989-05-29], Faden, Robert B. 252 [1964-08-13], Godfrey, R.K. 67194 [1965-03-19], James Payne Smith, Jr. 2837 [1967-07-06], Jiménez M., A. 3685 [1966-02-26], Jiménez Muñoz, Alfonso 2744 [1964-08-13], Jiménez Muñoz, Alfonso 3685 [1966-02-26], Lent, Roy W. 207 [1964-08-13], Lent, Roy W. Lent, RW 1196 [1967-08-12], M, Kappelle Kappelle, M; Salazar Munoz, JF; [1986-01-14], McDaniel, Sidney 6716a [1965-08-20], Pohl, R.W. 10810 [1968-08-03], Pohl, R.W. 10868 [1968-08-08], Pohl, R.W. 11144 [1968-08-24], Pohl, R.W. 11144 [1968-09-24], Pohl, R.W. 11714 [1969-02-14], Pohl, R.W. 14194 [1982-11-03], Ramírez, V.H. 725 [2001-01-18], Raven, Peter H. Raven, PH 20951 [1967-03-23], Thorne, K. 9741A [1992-02-19], Tonduz, Adolphe 10755 [], Tonduz, Adolphe Pittier 10755 [], Tonduz, Adolphe 10755 [1896-00-00], Tonduz, Adolphe [1896-10-00], Tonduz, Adolphe 10755 [1896-10-00], Weston, Arthur S. [1964-08-03], Weston, Arthur S. 1580 [1964-08-03], ---Alajuela: Acosta Vargas, Luis [2006-02-08], Booth, William E. 157 [1964-08-13], Booth, William E. Cr 157 [1964-08-13], Booth, William E. Cr 158 [1964-08-13], Faden, Robert B. CR65410 [1965-08-20], Fisher, Amanda E. [2008-06-15], Grayum, Michael H. [1986-03-16], Grayum, Michael H. 6615 [1986-03-16], Greenman, Jesse M. 5409 [1922-01-30], Jiménez Muñoz, Alfonso 2744 [1964-08-13], Lent, R. W. 207 [1964-08-13], Lent, Roy W. [1964-08-13], Lent, Roy W. 207 [1964-08-13], McDaniel, S. 6716a [1965-08-20], Montiel Longhi, Mayra [1971-03-04], Montiel Longhi, Mayra [1972-06-07], Montiel Longhi, Mayra s.n. [1972-06-07], Pohl, Richard W. 10810 [], Pohl, Richard W. [1968-08-03], Pohl, Richard W. 10810 [1968-08-03], Pohl, Richard W. 10811 [1968-08-03], Pohl, Richard W. 13735 [1978-12-17], Raymond John Taylor, Jr. 4491 [1967-08-18], Smith, Austin 2837 [], Soto, Ricardo [1993-05-13], Standley, Paul C. 34863 [1924-02-17], Taylor Jr., Raymond John 4491 [1967-08-18], Taylor, J. 4491 [1967-08-18], Tonduz, Adolphe 1075 [], Tonduz, Adolphe 10755 [1896-10-00], Weston, Arthur S. 1580 [1964-08-03], ---Cartago: Alfaro Vindas, Evelio [2003-06-07], Clark, Lynn G. [1989-05-29], Clark, Lynn G. 497 [1989-05-29], Crow, Garrett E. 6159 [1984-11-08], Davidse, Gerrit 686 [1966-07-22], Fisher, Amanda E. [2008-06-13], Hammel, Barry E. [2003-05-24], Hammel, Barry E. 22766 [2003-05-24], Jiménez Luthmer, Otón [], Kelchner, Scot A. [1995-05-23], Kelchner, Scot A. 12 [1995-05-23], Kelchner, Scot A. 13 [1995-05-23], Molina R., A. 17850 [1966-02-26], Molina Rosito, Antonio 17850 [1966-02-26], Morales Quirós, Juan Francisco [1997-07-22], Pohl, Richard W. [1966-07-22], Pohl, Richard W. 10119 [1966-07-22], Pohl, Richard W. [1966-08-17], Pohl, Richard W. 10318 [1966-08-17], Pohl, Richard W. 10867 [1968-08-08], Pohl, Richard W. 10868 [1968-08-08], Pohl, Richard W. [1969-02-14], Pohl, Richard W. 11714 [1969-02-14], Pohl, Richard W. [1982-11-03], Pohl, Richard W. 14194 [1982-11-03], Raven, Peter H. [1967-03-24], Raven, Peter H. 20967 [1967-03-24], Stein, Ulf [1989-05-07], Stein, Ulf [1989-05-29], Stevens, G. s.n. [1985-01-01], Taylor Jr., Raymond John 4336 [1967-08-12], Taylor, J. 4336 [1967-08-12], ---Heredia: Acosta Vargas, Luis [2000-02-01], Acosta Vargas, Luis 324 [2000-02-01], Acosta Vargas, Luis [2007-04-25], Acosta, Luis 324 [2000-02-01], Faden, Robert B. 252 [1964-08-11], Faden, Robert B. 252 [1964-08-13], Fernández Zúñiga, Álvaro [1993-10-29], Ramírez Villalobos, Víctor H. [2001-01-18], Ramírez Villalobos, Víctor H. 725 [2001-01-18], Ramírez, Víctor H. 725 [2001-01-18], ---Limón: Alfaro Vindas, Evelio 3493 [2000-10-12], Alfaro Vindas, Evelio [2003-06-26], Alfaro Vindas, Evelio 4699 [2003-06-26], Quesada, Javier [1997-04-01], Soto Solís, Armando [2004-11-17], ---Puntarenas: Alfaro Vindas, Evelio [1997-08-12], Alfaro Vindas, Evelio 1310 [1997-08-12], Morales Quirós, Juan Francisco [1996-09-18], ---San José: Alfonso Jiménez M. 3685 [1966-02-26], Burger, William C. 5261 [1968-05-25], Hammel, Barry E. [2005-02-04], Hammel, Barry E. 23605 [2005-02-04], Jiménez Muñoz, Alfonso 3685 [1966-02-26], Kelchner, Scot A. [1995-05-23], Pohl, Richard W. 10505 [1968-06-19], Pohl, Richard W. [1968-07-14], Pohl, Richard W. 10706 [1968-07-14], Pohl, Richard W. 11144 [1968-09-24], Raven, Peter H. 20951 [1967-03-23], Stein, Ulf [1989-05-29], Weston, Arthur S. 4715 [1967-04-08]. PANAMA ---: McPherson, Gordon [1992-10-19], ---Chiriquí: Galdames, Carmen 3433 [1996-09-26], McPherson, G.D. 15923 [1992-10-19], McPherson, Gordon 15923 [1992-10-19] |