Search Results (Table)


| 1-320 of 320 records |
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
91994 AAU S.Laegaard71300 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1988-05-29 Ecuador Napo Near oilcamp Daimi II of CONOCO. Rain forest.
91995 AAU S.Laegaard71289 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1988-05-27 Ecuador Napo Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.216 243
91997 AAU S.Laegaard71285 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1988-05-27 Ecuador Napo Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.216 243
91998 AAU S.Laegaard71259 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1988-05-25 Ecuador Napo Km 14 Loreto - Coca. Small forest remain. -0.633 -77.216 332
92010 AAU A.D.Poulsen80551 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1988-05-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
80950 CEPEC 87077 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Jardim, J.G. 3169 2000-11-25 Brazil Bahia Mata da Esperança. APA Municipal da Mata da Esperança. Ca. 3Km ao N do termina... -14.781944 -39.069167 65
81044 CEPEC 62147 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Thomas, W. Wayt 10401 1994-02-17 Brazil Bahia 6.5Km ao N de Serra Grande, na Rod. Para Itacaré. -14.423333 -39.060556 141
75542 G G-G-142045/1 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Trinité et Tobago - Caparo, rocky ravine 10.46861 -61.25306 76
75543 G G-G-142045/2 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Trinité et Tobago - Caparo, rocky ravine 10.46861 -61.25306 76
24355 IAN IAN184726 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, MLS 302 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará estrada para a Reserva da APEG (EMBRAPA), mata à esquerda da estrada para a Res... -1.261111 -48.241944 25
24358 IAN IAN184721 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, MLS 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva do Mocambo da EMBRAPA -1.262778 -48.244722 23
24359 IAN IAN184727 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, MLS 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues Alves, canteira em àrea restrita aos funcionários
24459 IAN IAN122502 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará IPEAN, Reserva APEG. Mata de terra firme.
83179 IPA 20755 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Andrade-Lima, D. 69-5539 1969-02-26 Brazil Pernambuco Engenho çgua Azul, sombra da mata.
83183 IPA 18510 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Tenório, E.C. 369 1968-12-25 Brazil Paraíba Engenho São Paulo, á sombra da mata.
34376 F Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 Brazil Pará
120995 H 592791 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
118736 PE 1642652 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderon, E. 1968-00-00 United States
118737 PE 1642653 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderon, E. 1968-00-00 United States
118745 PE 1642892 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1969-00-00 Colombia Comisaria de Amazonas:Municipio de leticia,6 km west of leticia.
5328 COAH 14804 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Giraldo-Cañas, D. 2503 1995-11-01 Colombia Guaviare Calamar Vereda La Cooperativa, terraza aluvial del río Unilla 1.96 -72.67 217
87212 COAH 26780 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Giraldo-Cañas, D. 2707 1997-07-18 Colombia Amazonas La Pedrera río Caquetá, alrededores de la qda. La Tonina, zona de bajas y suaves colinas ... -1.32 -69.54 80
87232 COAH 15270 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Londoño, Ximena 566 1990-11-12 Colombia Amazonas Leticia comunidad indígena Ticuna de San Martín de Amacayacu, junto a un brazo de la q... -3.71 -70.23 148
21437 SP 373963 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maguire, B. 53980 1963-07-06 Suriname Lucie Rivier, 2 km below confluence of Oost Rivier. 3.333333 -56.816667 194
21610 SP 367091 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Kubitzki, K. 79136 1979-09-05 Brazil Amazonas Rio Negro. Mouth of the Rio Cauaburí, above Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (Tapuruqu...
21654 SP 367087 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará Region of Jari (tributary of Amazon River), Strada Pelão, 49 km west of Monte D...
21674 SP 363488 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Jardim, J.G. 3169 2000-11-25 Brazil Bahia APA Municipal Mata da Esperança, ca. 3 km ao N do Terminal Rodoviário, no inte... -14.781944 -39.069167 65
21754 SP 358586 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2567 1970-08-05 Trinidad and Tobago Mile post 14 along the North Coast Road, W of Cuevas Road.
21771 SP 358585 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2586 1970-08-06 Trinidad and Tobago 15.5 mi SW of Le Brea, 65.5 mi marker along the Southern Main Road.
21854 SP 349359 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre 125 km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho -9.75 -66.333333 162
22611 SP 235583 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará IPEAN.
22616 SP 235577 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará IPEAN.
22634 SP 235757 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas 6 km W of Letícia.
22804 SP 235584 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-12-14 Brazil Pará IPEAN.
22889 SP 224405 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G.
22928 SP 224353 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G.
22936 SP 224386 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará IPEAN, mata da APEG.
2686 HAMAB 18804 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Costa Neto, SV 4395 2008-05-25 Brazil Amapá
78173 EAFM 4941 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maia, LA 94 1979-06-27 Brazil Amazonas Rio Negro, lugar Acanga, pouco abaixo de Barcelos. Mata de terra firme; comum.
84786 INPA 246911 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 21 2010-08-05 Brazil Amazonas BR-319, Ramal do Manaquiri, Módulo M02 do Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidad... -3.687509 -60.33 45
84810 INPA 236502 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 283 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Km 26 Rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke. trilha L-W1, população ao lado direito, Ã... -2.912778 -59.98 64
84818 INPA 236503 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 284 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Km 26 Rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke. Trilha L-W1, ao lado direito depois do igar... -2.912778 -59.98 64
85179 INPA 125992 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 12256 1982-12-04 Brazil Amazonas Maraã ""Rio Japurá, envirous of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã. Primary forest... -1.85 -65.6 34
85263 INPA 86324 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 94 1979-06-27 Brazil Amazonas ""Rio Negro, lugar Acanga, pouco abaixo de Barcelos. Mata de terra fir...
85406 INPA 140693 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 7306 1986-05-05 Brazil Amazonas Jutaí Est. Ecológica Jutaí-Solimões, Rio Patí afluente da margem esquerda do Rio J... -3 -67 50
85443 INPA 176452A Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 7574 1992-03-22 Brazil Acre Cruzeiro do Sul Basin of Rio Juruá, Igarapé Humaitá, 3.5 hours by motorboat up from confluenc... -8.266667 -72.78 167
85456 INPA 106143 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 1933 1982-12-04 Brazil Acre Rio Branco Margem do lago Amapá. Mata alta, solo argiloso.
85502 INPA 91386 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2774 1979-07-06 Brazil Amazonas Estrada Manaus-Porto Velho, 40 Km N of Porto Velho. Common near the edge of fore...
85534 INPA 76850 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2350 1976-03-12 Brazil Acre ""Open forest with bamboo; in shade."" -9.266667 -72.73 278
85608 INPA 76923 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2288 1976-02-28 Brazil Acre 52 Km from Rio Branco on road to Sena Madureira. Forest with trees 20-25 m tall ...
39364 RB RB00624881 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] 1951-12-01 Brazil Amapá
39374 RB RB00624680 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12256 1982-12-04 Brazil Amazonas Município de Maraã: Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã. Prim...
110163 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 11567 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, T. R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas Leticia -3.533785 -70.041299
110484 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 15262 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Rondonia Porto Velho A 125 Km de Río Branco por la vía a Porto Velho. -9.75 -66.333333
111293 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 8026 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maguire, B. 53980 1963-07-06 Suriname 2 km debajo de la confluencia del Río Oost 3.923146 -56.13841
111294 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 8027 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, T. R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas Leticia -3.533785 -70.041299
111681 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 9519 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Londoño, X. 531 1990-11-08 Colombia Amazonas Leticia Parque Nacional Natural de Amacayacu, quebrada Bacaba -3.76015 -70.26783
111984 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 9917 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará Almeirim Región de Jari, afluente del Río Amazonas -1.158602 -51.901648
111996 TULV:Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 9929 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Judziewicz, E. 136 1979-09-05 Brazil Amazonas São Gabriel da Cachoeira Río Negro, desembocadura del Río Cauaburi -0.257888 -65.892269
94856 BR:MeiseBG 0000021473159 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 2375 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Caparo, 'Rocky Ravine'
61262 MO 879488 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Douglas C. Daly 7574 1992-03-22 Brazil Acre Mpio. Cruzeiro do Sul: Basin of Rio Jurua, Igarape Humaita, 3.5 hrs. by motorboa... -8.26666 -72.78333 220
62025 MO 3030164 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Blanc, P. BB-93-65 1993-08-02 Guyana NULL Sinnamary, pripri petit tango.
62255 MO 2978645 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2494 1979-05-22 Brazil Amazonas Amazonas, Reserva Duke, near Manaus. Growing abundantly near the road not too fa...
62275 MO 2978000 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G, ""terra firme.""
62284 MO 2977833 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mara da A.P.E.G, "" terra firme"". Crece ...
62290 MO 2977666 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-12-14 Brazil Pará Belém. Abundant on sloping soil in dense shade, always in places with good drai...
62296 MO 2977509 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém. Common. Usually in semi-sun but not extreme shade of forest.
62302 MO 2977404 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém. Abundante locally in leaf mold, in shade.
62306 MO 2977312 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará Region of Jari (tributary of Amazon River). Strada Peláo, 49 km west of Monte D...
63113 MO 2842312 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Clark, Lynn G. 1529 1997-06-08 Venezuela Sucre Las Minas de Azufre, trail to hot springs 10.53333 -63.16666 57
63142 MO 2841336 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Clark, Lynn G. 1529 1997-06-08 Venezuela Sucre Las Minas de Azufre, trail to hot springs 10.53333 -63.16666 57
65919 MO 238350 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Gentry, Alwyn H. 21024 1977-11-29 Peru Loreto Maynas Non-inundated mature forest in vicinity of Mishana, between Río Nanay and Río ... -3.947222 -73.457222 119
66252 MO 235172 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 925 French Guiana Cayenne
66376 MO 234104 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4065 1988-05-26 Ecuador Napo Parque Nacional Yasuní. Pozo petrolero Daimi 2. -0.916667 -76.183333 222
66410 MO 233422 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 9617 1990-04-23 Ecuador Sucumbíos Lago Agrio Parroquia Tarapoa. Pozo petrolero Mariann 3. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque pri... -0.13333 -76.36666 240
66517 MO 2319410 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. s.n. 1925-08-07 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Cumuto, woods 1-2 miles from railway, south.
66624 MO 231047 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Steyermark, Julian A. 88001 Venezuela Bolívar
66627 MO 231036 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 22966 1982-11-29 Venezuela Bolívar Distrito Piar: Descent from Salto Aicha to the upper basin of Rio Purpur, along ... 5.56666 -62.53333 593
66807 MO 229080 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4062 1988-05-26 Ecuador Napo Parque Nacional Yasuní. Pozo petrolero Daimi 2. -0.916667 -76.183333 222
67468 MO 221996 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 80551 1988-04-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
67469 MO 221987 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71300 1988-05-29 Ecuador Napo Near oilcamp Daimi II of CONOCO. Rain forest. -0.916 -76.18333 238
67471 MO 221976 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71289 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.21666 243
67472 MO 221967 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71285 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco; rain forest -0.95 -76.21666 243
67473 MO 221957 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71259 1988-05-25 Ecuador Napo Km 14 Loreto - Coca. Small forest remain. -0.63333 -77.21666 332
67728 MO 218868 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 2375 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Near Caparo
68219 MO 215290 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Lewis, Walter H. 10201 1985-12-03 Peru Loreto Loreto Hermosa and vicinity, Río Corrientes, 1 km S of junction with Río Macusari. -3.25 -75.833333 210
68257 MO 214452 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 23091 1982-12-01 Venezuela Bolívar Piar Lower section of Río Ambutuir, along trail to Uriman. 5.433333 -62.666667 490
69522 MO 1848088 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 4967 1973-12-06 Venezuela Bolívar KM 28, S of El Dorado along road to La Gran Sabana and Santa Elena. In shade of ...
70867 MO 1591202 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Petitbon, Jean 347 2001-09-09 French Guiana NULL Canton de Montsinery. Forêt bordant la piste (au sud de la route N2) menant à ... 4.76666 -52.4 9
70868 MO 1591201 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Petitbon, Jean 296 2001-08-25 Suriname Pará orêt bordant la piste vers Blaka=Watra. Bord de piste, en sous-bois. 5.16666 -55.08333 30
70875 MO 1589865 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2586 1970-08-06 Trinidad and Tobago NULL 15.5 miles SW of La Brea, 65.5 mile marker along the Southern Main Road; forest ...
70886 MO 1579942 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2567 1970-08-05 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Mile post 14 along the North Coast Road, W of Cuevas Road; forest being exploite...
70887 MO 1579671 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2514 1970-08-01 Trinidad and Tobago NULL 11 miles S of Sangre Grande along Cunapo Southern Highway; selective logged fore...
70888 MO 1579612 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2467 1970-07-31 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Trinidad Brass Seco, 14 miles NW of Arima, Northern Range. 10.748056 -61.276667 146
70889 MO 1579593 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2455 1970-07-30 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Trinidad 1 mile W of Arima along Eastern main road.
71213 MO 1442258 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Duivenvoorden, Joost 1614 1991-11-25 Colombia Amazonas Araracuara Plano de inundacion de la quebrada El Engaño (aguas claras). En bosque mod. alt... -0.83333 -71.83333 95
71282 MO 1402145 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas Leticia 6 km west of Leticia. Rain forest with diffuse light, palms, Musaceae, Marantace...
71283 MO 1402136 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Alencar, Lúcia 94 1979-06-27 Brazil Amazonas Acânga; terra firme. Collected along the Rio Negro between Manaus and São Gabr... -1.16666 -62.5 16
71284 MO 1402152 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maguire, Bassett 53980 1963-07-06 Suriname NULL Lucie Rivier. Abundant in riverine forest, 2 km below confluence of Oost Rivier.
71285 MO 1402131 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Harley, R.M. 18543 1977-02-03 Brazil Bahia Near Maraú 20 km North from road junction from Maraú to Ponta do Mutá. Mixed ... -13.95 -38.95 4
71286 MO 1402128 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre 125 kms from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. Dense humid primary forest. Abun... -9.75 -66.33333 162
71287 MO 1402125 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 7306 1986-05-05 Brazil Amazonas Mun. Jutaí. Est. Ecológica Jutaí-Solimões, Rio Patí afluente da margem esq.... -3.000717 -67.0005 141
71290 MO 1402112 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12246 1982-12-04 Brazil Amazonas Municipio de Maraã: Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã. Prima... -1.85 -65.6 34
71692 MO 1288192 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hammel, Barry E. 21426 1998-04-09 Suriname Sipaliwini Vicinity of Ulemari River, 99 km upstream from its confluence with Litani River.... 2.97166 -54.55388 235
71694 MO 1288133 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hammel, Barry E. 21368 1998-04-06 Suriname Sipaliwini Vicinity of Ulemari River, 13 km upstream from its confluence with Litani River.... 3.22138 -54.25861 154
72173 MO 1011554 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 5392 1924-09-12 Trinidad and Tobago NULL Nova Forest vai Saugre Graude under trees in the ground.
105164 MO 101468195 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71285 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco; rain forest -0.95 -76.21666
105165 MO 101468198 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71289 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.21666
105166 MO 101468201 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71300 1988-05-29 Ecuador Napo Near oilcamp Daimi II of CONOCO. Rain forest. -0.916 -76.18333
13275 P P01783931 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 7154 1977-05-03 Peru Dept. Loreto, prov. Maynas: Rio Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail from Pebas t... -3.166667 -71.816667 138
13332 P P01783930 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hoock, J. 1004 1962-08-11 French Guiana Guyane Française. Cayenne, Route de Rochambeou.
13473 P P01783942 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre 125 kms from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. -9.75 -66.333333 162
13506 P P01783944 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Brésil. çrea de pesquisas ecológicas do Guamá.
13524 P P02611164 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Roques, A.R. 19839 1978-01-15 Guyana Lam1/2km à l« E de la riv de Cayenne, sur la route de Montsinery.
13542 P P01783943 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2171 1976-04-28 Brazil Bahia Brésil. Ca. 3km east of Ubaíra on road to Mutuípe.
13830 P P01783940 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-12-14 Brazil Pará çrea de Pesquisas Ecológicas do Guamá.
13848 P P02611172 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Comisaría de Amazonas, municipio de Leticia, 6 km west of Leticia.
13899 P P01783938 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2215 1976-05-20 Brazil Bahia Brésil. 5km SW of Itacaré and 25km E of Taboquinhas.
13934 P P01783934 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G.
13964 P P01783936 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hoock, J. 185 1955-12-19 French Guiana Guyane Française. Itany, Village Tolinga-Machiri.
13999 P P01783937 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1854-11-01 French Guiana Guyane Acarouany du depue de lafarco collina patavoua.
14031 P P01783939 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará çrea de Pesquisas Ecológicas do Guamá.
14063 P P01783935 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-02-26 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G. ""terra firme"".
14102 P P01783941 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 8506 1986-01-09 French Guiana Guyane Française, Pied du Mont Galbao, Crique Canal Panamá, 10 km à l«ouest ... 3.616667 -53.283333 285
14138 P P01783933 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará region of Jari, tributary of Amazon River, Strada Pelão, 49km west of Monte Dou...
87732 P P01783944 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém
87880 P P01783941 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 1986-01-09 French Guiana 3.61667 -53.28333 285
88040 P P01783930 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hoock, J. 1962-08-11 French Guiana
88196 P P01783937 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1854-11-01 French Guiana
88312 P P01783931 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 1977-05-03 Peru -3.16667 -71.81667 138
88438 P P01783938 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1976-05-20 Brazil
88439 P P01783934 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Belém
88442 P P01783940 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1966-12-14 Brazil Pará Belém
88444 P P01783939 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém
88445 P P01783933 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará
88604 P P01783942 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre -9.75 -66.33333 162
88605 P P01783943 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1976-04-28 Brazil
88606 P P01783935 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1968-02-26 Brazil Pará Belém
88727 P P01783936 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hoock, J. 1955-12-19 French Guiana
89273 P P00409086 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-06-00 French Guiana
90027 P P02611172 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1969-02-02 Colombia
90433 P P00409087 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-06-00 French Guiana
90466 P P00409085 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-06-00 French Guiana
90689 P P02611164 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Roques, A.R. 1978-01-15 Guyana
90698 P P00409088 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-06-00 French Guiana
116276 TRIN 10535 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Freeman, W.G. 2530 1921-01-21 Trinidad and Tobago Nariva, Trinidad, W.I. 10.366667 -61.166667
116302 TRIN 21478 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Mc Lean, P. 14036 1976-00-00 Trinidad and Tobago Manzanilla, Trinidad, W.I. 10.516667 -61.033333
116315 TRIN 23986 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 278 1945-05-00 Trinidad and Tobago Las Cuevas, Trinidad, W.I. 10.785034 -61.388904
116346 TRIN 5892 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Cowan, R.S. 1895-00-00 Trinidad and Tobago St. Ann's, Trinidad, W.I. 10.683333 -61.466667
116353 TRIN 8122 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen 1915-01-00 Trinidad and Tobago Tabaquite, Trinidad, W.I. 10.38824 -61.297045
116359 TRIN 9283 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Wood, B. 1915-00-00 Trinidad and Tobago Cedros, Trinidad, W.I. 10.098017 -61.799957
18926 U U.1514844 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon Laegaard, S 71285 1988-05-28 Ecuador Loja -0.95 -76.216667 245
18958 U U.1514830 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Raghoenandan, U.P.D. Raghoenandan, UPD; Pinas, L UVS 1998-04-12 Suriname Sipaliwini 2.966667 -54.583333 142
19142 U U.1514826 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Raynal-Roques, A.M. Raynal-Roques, AM 19839 1978-01-15 French Guiana
19248 L L.3801392 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Hammel, Barry E. Hammel, BE; Koemar, S 21368 1998-04-06 Suriname Sipaliwini. Vicinity of Ulemari river, 13km upstream from its confluence with Li... 3.221389 -54.258611 154
19295 U U.1514831 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Donselaar J van Donselaar, J van 1798 1964-11-10 Suriname Surinamensis. 8 KM ESE of village Brownsweg. High forest. Afterwards island in l...
19395 WAG WAG.1538591 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. Calderón, CE 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará: Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G, 'terra firme.'.
19397 WAG WAG.1538590 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. Calderón, CE 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará: Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G, 'terra firme.'.
19588 U U 0002332 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. Sagot, PA 925 French Guiana Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni Acarouany 5.593 -53.8154 14
19636 U U.1514827 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. Broadway, WE 5392 1924-09-12 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad. Nuova forest via Saugre Grande under Trusin the ground.
19670 U U.1514833 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. Soderstrom, TR 1200 1966-12-14 Brazil Belém, Pará, Brazil. I.P.E.A.N. Hectare no. Quadrat no.Tree no.
19819 U U.1514843 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, Simon Laegaard, S 71300 1988-05-29 Ecuador Napo
19905 U U.1514832 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maas, Paulus J.M. Maas, PJM; Chatrou, LW; Rainer, 1994-11-09 Peru Loreto
20022 L L.1319081 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit Davidse, G 2514 1970-08-01 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad, 11 mi S of Sangre Grande along Cunapo Southern Hwyl Selective logged f...
74787 W 1889-0082179 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-00-00 French Guiana Guyane Française. Karouany.
116131 W 0337184 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116132 W 0337185 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116133 W 0337186 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116134 W 0337187 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116135 W 0337188 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116136 W 0337189 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116137 W 0337190 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116138 W 0337191 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116139 W 0337192 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116140 W 0337193 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
116141 W 0337194 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen REFLORA provisional entry Brazil
100 K K001055016 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Ratter, James A. R5878 1987-10-25 Brazil Roraima Estação Ecológica de Maracá Near Igarapé camp; Fumaça Trail, SEMA ecological reserve; Ilha de Maracá. 3.433333 -61.733333 142
6338 K K001055006 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2494 1979-05-22 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Duke.
6397 K K001055005 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre 125km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. -9.75 -66.333333 162
7572 K K000433382 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] 925 1856-00-00
8018 K K001055016 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Ratter, James A. R5878 1987-10-25 Brazil Roraima Near Igarapé camp; Fumaça Trail, SEMA ecological reserve; Ilha de Maracá. 3.433333 -61.733333 142
8019 K K001055012 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Mata da A.P.E.G.
8034 K K001055011 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará IPRAN, mata da APEG.
8050 K K001055009 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará
8051 K K001055013 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará IPEAN, Mata da APEG.
8052 K K001055008 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará Region of Jari (tributary of Amazon River), Strada Pelão, 49km west of Monte Do...
8072 K K001055014 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-16 Brazil Pará IPEAN?, mata da APEG.
8088 K K001055015 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará
8104 K K001055007 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12256 1982-12-04 Brazil Amazonas Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã. -1.85 -65.6 34
8214 K K001055010 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-11-14 Brazil Pará
74188 K K001055013 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil IPEAN, Mata da APEG. Data not transcribed
74190 K K001055014 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-16 Brazil IPEAN?, mata da APEG. Data not transcribed
74191 K K001055012 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Mata da A.P.E.G. Data not transcribed
74192 K K001055005 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil 125km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. -9.75 -66.33 Data not transcribed 156
74194 K K001055015 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Data not transcribed
74195 K K001055009 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Data not transcribed
74197 K K001055006 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Ramos, J. 2494 1979-05-22 Brazil Reserva Duke. Data not transcribed
74198 K K001055007 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12256 1982-12-04 Brazil Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã. -1.85 -65.6 Data not transcribed 34
74199 K K001055016 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Mota, C.D.D.A. R5878 1987-10-25 Brazil Near Igarapé camp; Fumaça Trail, SEMA ecological reserve; Ilha de Maracá. 3.43 -61.73 156
74201 K K001055010 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-11-14 Brazil Data not transcribed
74202 K K001055011 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil IPRAN, mata da APEG. Data not transcribed
86113 K K000433382 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] 925
103464 K 002958480 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Chenery, E.M. s.n. 1948-04-14 Trinidad and Tobago Mausica Road.
103465 K 002958481 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maggs, C.A. 278 1945-08-05 Trinidad and Tobago [Guivos, forest behind]
103466 K 002958482 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 5392 1924-09-12 Trinidad and Tobago Mora Forest via Sanges Grande
103467 K 002958483 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Britton, N.L. 2530 1921-03-25 Trinidad and Tobago Ortoire River, Guayaguayare Road
103468 K 002958484 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, Mrs. W. E. 5734 1925-07-10 Trinidad and Tobago W. I
103469 K 002958485 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 5392 Trinidad and Tobago
103470 K 002958486 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen W.L. 5892 1895-07-01 Trinidad and Tobago St Annes
103471 K 002958487 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Lodge, F.A. s.n. 1900-01-01 Trinidad and Tobago
103472 K 002958488 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway, W.E. 5734 1925-07-10 Trinidad and Tobago [Illegible] 1-2 miles from railway, south in dense stabed ground
103473 K 002958489 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sandwith, N.Y. 4 1939-10-01 Maraballi; Trinidad & French Guiána
103474 K 002958490 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Fanshawe, D. 4 1939-10-01 Moraballi
103475 K 002958491 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Maguire, B. 53980 1963-07-06 Suriname Lucie Rivier; 2 km below confluence of Coast Rivier
103476 K 002958492 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Schulz, J.P. 9920 1963-12-12 Suriname Saramacca R, mouth of Moerjee Creek
103482 K 002958498 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Comisaría de Amazonas: Municipio de Leticia, 6 Km west of Leticia.
103483 K 002958499 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, S. 71285 1988-05-27 Ecuador Around camp AMO II of Conoco.
103484 K 002958500 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Laegaard, S. 71300 1988-05-29 Ecuador Near oilcamp Daimi II of Conoco.
103658 K 001055016 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Ratter, J.A. R5878 1987-10-25 Brazil Roraima Estação Ecológica de Maracá Near Igarapé camp; Fumaça Trail, SEMA ecological reserve; Ilha de Maracá. 3.433333 -61.733333
47144 US US 2642401 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belem; i.p.e.a.n.
48327 US US 2540434 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Bosbcheer, L. 10934 1905-06-20 Suriname Blanche maria
53321 US US 2877980 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 925 French Guiana Cayenne.
56121 US US 979173 Poaceae Piresia biformis Broadway, W.E. 2375 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Near Caparo.
57724 US US 2641992 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Belem; i.p.e.a.n.
58412 US US 2642393 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belem; i.p.e.a.n.
58950 US US 865556 Poaceae Piresia biformis Broadway, W.E. 2375 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Near Caparo.
76441 S S14-20793 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sneidern, Kjell von A 1221 1941-10-22 Colombia Caquetá Flora Colombiana. Com. Caquetá, Morelia.
76443 S S14-20790 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Herb. Sagot 925 1856-00-00 French Guiana Guyane Francaise, Karouany
84363 BM BM000839024 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, Paul Antoine 925 1856-00-00 French Guiana
9864 NY NY02618550 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
9869 NY NY02618549 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
9960 NY NY00865742 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Coêlho, L. 1933 1982-12-04 Brazil Acre Margem do Iago Amapá. -9.974722 -67.81 153
9982 NY NY00865741 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Daly, D.C. 7574 1992-03-22 Brazil Acre Basin of Rio Juruá, Igarapé Humaitá, 3.5 hours by motorboat up from confluenc... -8.27 -72.78 229
10913 NY NY02618540 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
10933 NY NY02618548 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
10944 NY NY02618544 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
10953 NY NY02618542 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
10990 NY NY02634001 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
10991 NY NY02618546 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
11014 NY NY02618545 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
11016 NY NY02634002 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
11017 NY NY02618547 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
11081 NY NY02618543 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
11102 NY NY02618541 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
30172 NY 865742 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Coêlho, L. 1933 1982-12-04 Brazil Acre Rio Branco Mun. Margem do Iago Amapá. -9.978242392 -67.81168453 140
30268 NY 2634001 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1191 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém Mun. Area de Pesquisas Ecologicas do Guamá. Belém
30344 NY 2618548 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
30513 NY 2618541 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12256 1982-12-05 Brazil Amazonas Maraã Mun. Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Lago Maraã -1.85 -65.6 34
30517 NY 2618540 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Alencar, M. L. 94 1979-06-27 Brazil Amazonas Acânga -1.17 -62.5 16
30593 NY 2618547 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 7306 1986-05-05 Brazil Amazonas Jutaí Mun. Est. Ecológica Jutaí-Solimões, Rio Patí afluente da margem esq. do Rio JutaÃ...
30644 NY 2618543 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
30701 NY 865741 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Daly, D.C. 7574 1992-03-22 Brazil Acre Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Basin of Rio Juruá, Igarapé Humaitá, 3.5 hours by motorboat up from confluenc... -8.27 -72.78 Dense forest and adjacent 'campina' on poorly drained w 229
30838 NY 2618545 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2494 1979-05-22 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Ducke, near Manaus. Near the road not too far from the stream.
30965 NY 2618542 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2269 1974-11-27 Brazil Pará Region of Jari (tributary of Amazon River), Strada Pelão, 49 km west of Monte D... Dense, tall, primary forest.
31143 NY 2618549 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Ratter, James A. R.5878 1987-10-25 Brazil Roraima Near Igarapé camp, Fumaça Trail, SEMA ecological reserve, Ilha de Maracá. 3.43 -61.73 in the shade of forest floor. In terra firme forest. 156
31236 NY 2618544 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
31317 NY 2634002 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1200 1966-12-14 Brazil Pará Belém Mun. Area de Pesquisas Ecologicas do Guamá. Belém
31969 NY 2618546 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2300 1976-03-04 Brazil Acre Rio Branco Mun. 125 kms from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. Dense humid primary forest. Abun... -9.75 -66.33 200
31978 NY 2618550 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém Mun. Area de Pesquisas Ecologicas do Guamá. Belém
108375 NY 101470702 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 22966 1982-11-29 Venezuela Bolívar Distrito Piar: Descent from Salto Aicha to the upper basin of Rio Purpur, along ... 5.56666 -62.53333
26856 COL 471 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Giraldo-Cañas, Diego 3935-b Colombia Caquetá La Montañita .
28959 COL 545538 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1426 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas Leticia 6 km west of Leticia. Bosque
120175 AMAZ:UNAPPeru 018574 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
3642 ESA 98876 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1195 Brazil Amazonas
97252 ESA:ESALQ 098876 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R.P. 1195 2005-04-23 Brazil Amazonas
7254 HUEFS HUEFS0098552 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1195 2005-04-23 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Ducke/ INPA, km 26 da Rodoviária Manaus-Itacoatiara. Estrada para a bas...
7318 HUEFS HUEFS0173024 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 302 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Estrada para a reserva da APEG (EMBRAPA), mata à esquerda da estrada para a res...
7341 HUEFS HUEFS0173025 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues Alves, canteira em área restrita aos funcionários.
7362 HUEFS HUEFS0179825 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 284 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Km 26 rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke, trilha L-W 1 ( população do lado direito,...
7380 HUEFS HUEFS0179824 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 283 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Km 26 rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke, trilha L-W 1 ( população ao lado direito ...
7429 HUEFS HUEFS0137497 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Pimenta, K.M. 59 2008-05-23 Brazil Bahia Reserva Ecológica da Michellin, Pancada Grande, Mata Atlântica.
7966 HUEFS HUEFS0046518 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Mata da A.P.E.G, """"Terra Firme"""".
7998 HUEFS HUEFS0045096 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Thomas, W. Wayt 10401 1994-02-17 Brazil Bahia 6,5km North of Serra Grande on road to Itacaré.
8973 HUEFS HUEFS0181133 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1893 2011-06-13 Brazil Amapá Ca 9 Km da cidade, na perimental norte, ramal para a propriedade do IEPA.
9032 HUEFS HUEFS0173027 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva do Mocambo da EMBRAPA.
75898 HUEFS 217369 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 2196 2015-07-12 Brazil Amapá Ramal do Camaipi, área de Embrapa. -0.0125 -51.615 65
75901 HUEFS 217405 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 2232 2015-07-16 Brazil Amapá Ca 9 Km da cidade, na perimental Norte à direita na direção à estação do I...
78660 HUEFS 181133 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1893 2011-06-13 Brazil Amapá Ca 9 Km da cidade, na perimental norte, ramal para a propriedade do IEPA. 0.896111 -51.8875 176
78708 HUEFS 179857 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 316 2010-10-27 Brazil Bahia Igrapirena. Reserva Ecológica da Michelin.
78711 HUEFS 179838 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva da Embrapa (Mocambo). -1.440833 -48.413056 29
78724 HUEFS 179844 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues; Canteiro em área restrita à funcionários.
78725 HUEFS 179824 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 283 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Km 26 rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke, trilha L-W 1 ( população ao lado direito ... -2.933611 -59.968611 112
78726 HUEFS 179825 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 284 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Km 26 rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke, trilha L-W 1 ( população do lado direito,... -2.936389 -59.967778 92
78814 HUEFS 173024 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 302 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Estrada para a reserva da APEG (EMBRAPA), mata à esquerda da estrada para a res... -1.436111 -48.405 22
78815 HUEFS 173025 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues Alves, canteira em área restrita aos funcionários.
78817 HUEFS 173027 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva do Mocambo da EMBRAPA. -1.441111 -48.413056 29
79073 HUEFS 137497 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Pimenta, K.M. 59 2008-05-23 Brazil Bahia Reserva Ecológica da Michellin, Pancada Grande, Mata Atlântica.
79247 HUEFS 98552 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1195 2005-04-23 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Ducke/ INPA, km 26 da Rodoviária Manaus-Itacoatiara. Estrada para a bas... -2.883333 -59.966667 72
79554 HUEFS 53554 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Andrade-Lima, D. de 553969 1969-02-26 Brazil Pernambuco Engenho çgua Azul.
79635 HUEFS 46518 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará Mata da A.P.E.G, ""Terra Firme"".
79669 HUEFS 45096 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Thomas, W. Wayt 10401 1994-02-17 Brazil Bahia 6,5km North of Serra Grande on road to Itacaré. -14.423333 -39.060556 141
98720 HUEFS 00045096 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Thomas, W.W. 10401 1994-02-17 Brazil Bahia 6,5km North of Serra Grande on road to Itacaré. -14.056667 -39.060556
98980 HUEFS 00137497 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Pimenta, K.M. 59 2008-05-23 Brazil Bahia Reserva Ecológica da Michellin, Pancada Grande, Mata Atlântica.
99110 HUEFS 00173024 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 302 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Estrada para a reserva da APEG (EMBRAPA), mata à esquerda da estrada para a res...
99111 HUEFS 00173025 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues Alves, canteira em área restrita aos funcionários.
99113 HUEFS 00173027 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva do Mocambo da EMBRAPA. -1.407778 -48.413056
99140 HUEFS 00179824 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 283 2009-10-22 Brazil Amazonas Km 26 rodovia AM 010, Reserva Ducke, trilha L-W 1 ( população ao lado direito ... -2.966944 -59.968611
99705 HUEFS 098552 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R.P. 1195 2005-04-23 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Ducke/ INPA, km 26 da Rodoviária Manaus-Itacoatiara. Estrada para a bas... -2.966667 -59.966667
3989 UESC 1443 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Mattos Silva, L.A. 3592 1997-10-16 Brazil Bahia
109586 SLUI:UEMA 7609 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Oliveira, R.P. 2232 2015-07-16 Brazil Amapá Ca 9 Km da cidade, na perimental Norte a direita na direção a estação do IEP...
16230 ALCB ALCB019652 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Mattos Silva, L.A. 3592 1997-10-16 Brazil Bahia Litoral Sul, Fazenda São Rafael (antiga Fazenda Dendhevea), às margens do Ribe... -15.283333 -39.066667 58
38527 UFP 75791 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Amorim, B.S. 995B 2011-08-17 Brazil Pernambuco Usina São José, Mata de Piedade, interior da mata, prox. da área alagadiça.
82892 UFP 11808 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Alves, M. UFP8295 1995-08-16 Brazil Pernambuco Açude Gurjaú.
23945 UFACPZ 5042 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Daly, D.C. 7574 1992-03-22 Brazil Acre
18507 ICN 35060 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Davidse, Gerrit 2467 1970-07-31 Trinidad and Tobago Arima 22,5km NW de Arima. Em floresta tropical montana, na borda de uma plantação de...
98386 HCDAL:URCA 16152 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 297 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Reserva do Mocambo da EMBRAPA -1.441111 -48.413056
98387 HCDAL:URCA 16153 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 303 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará Bosque Municipal Rodrigues Alves, canteira em área
98390 HCDAL:URCA 16156 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 302 2009-10-31 Brazil Pará estrada para a reserva da APEG (EMBRAPA), mata à e -1.436111 -48.405
85808 OAC 4148 Poaceae Piresia biformis [no data available]
91874 B B 10 0158799 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Broadway 1908-09-18 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad. 18.09.1908, Leg.: Broadway 2375.
91878 B B 10 0249088 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Sagot, P.A. 1856-00-00 French Guiana French Guiana: Karouany. 1856, Leg.: P. A. Sagot 925.
1450 [Not Available] PRE0974155-0 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2058 1968-01-26 Brazil Pará: Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G, ""terra firme"".
1455 [Not Available] PRE0974154-0 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2059 1968-01-27 Brazil Pará: Balém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da A.P.E.G, ""terra firme"".
1461 [Not Available] PRE0974153-0 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1199 1966-12-13 Brazil Pará Belém, Pará, Brazil.
1464 [Not Available] PRE0974152-0 Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1423 1969-02-02 Colombia Amazonas Comisaria de Amazonas: Municipio de Leticia, 6 km West of Leticia.
2865 [Not Available] R.P. Oliveira, J.G. Jardim, S.H. Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] 2005-04-23 Brazil Amazonas, Manaus
2894 [Not Available] Carvalho 283 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] Brazil
2936 [Not Available] Oliveira 1195 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
3117 [Not Available] M.L.S.Carvalho 283 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available]
3162 [Not Available] M.L.S. Carvalho 283 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen [no data available] Brazil
| 1-320 of 320 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';