Search Results (Table)


| 1-225 of 225 records |
Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
91996 AAU S.Laegaard71288 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1988-05-27 Ecuador Napo Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.216 243
92000 AAU S.Laegaard52578 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1984-07-13 Ecuador Napo At and near Laguna Grande de Cuyabeno. 0 -79.2 391
92002 AAU S.Laegaard52524 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1984-07-13 Ecuador Napo At and near Laguna Grande de Cuyabeno. 0 -79.2 391
92005 AAU S.Laegaard51241 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 1984-01-26 Ecuador Napo Along Río Cuyabeno, app. 1 hour in canoe below Puerto Bolívar. Igapó. -0.116 -76.05 232
92007 AAU J.Brandbyge31014 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, J. 1980-05-26 Ecuador Pastaza Lorocachi. Path leading into the forest in the direction S-SW. Wet type of prima... -1.633 -75.966 197
92008 AAU J.Brandbyge30880 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, J. 1980-05-25 Ecuador Pastaza Lorocachi. On the path to Lagartococha. Wet type of primary forest. -1.633 -75.966 197
92011 AAU A.D.Poulsen80415 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1988-05-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
92012 AAU A.D.Poulsen80271 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1988-05-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
92013 AAU A.D.Poulsen1229 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1996-04-19 Ecuador Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.666 -76.4 243
92014 AAU A.D.Poulsen1212 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1996-04-13 Ecuador Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.666 -76.4 243
98388 LOAD-HCDAL:DATA-URCA 16154 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 306 2009-11-01 Pará na entrada da BR para Carapuru seguir aprox. 3,50 -1.368889 -48.164444
99143 LOAD-HUEFS:DATA-HUEFS 00179830 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 289 2009-10-24 Amazonas BR 174 sentido para Presidente Figueredo, Km 98,5, 200m antes ponte do Rio Urubu... -2.998889 -59.991667
99144 LOAD-HUEFS:DATA-HUEFS 00179831 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, M.L.S. 290 2009-10-24 Amazonas BR 174 sentido para Presidente Figueredo, Km 98,5, 200m antes ponte do Rio Urubu... -2.998889 -59.991667
103477 LOAD-K:DATA-K 002958493 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Schulz, J.P. 10440 1963-08-06 Wilhelmina Mts, valley SW of Julianatop
103478 LOAD-K:DATA-K 002958494 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Gutone s.n. 1860-06-17 [Illegible]
103479 LOAD-K:DATA-K 002958495 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Trail, J.W.H. 1231 1874-11-12 Upper Amazon
110167 LOAD-TULV:DATA-Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 11572 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, T. R. 1428 1969-02-04 Amazonas Leticia -3.533785 -70.041299
111291 LOAD-TULV:DATA-Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 8024 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, T. R. 1428 1969-02-04 Amazonas Leticia -3.533785 -70.041299
111292 LOAD-TULV:DATA-Instituto para la Investigación y la Preservación del Patrimon 8025 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Maguire, B. 54291 1963-07-20 Sipaliwini A 14.5 km al N del Río Lucie 3.544547 -57.233689
115511 LOAD-VT:DATA-VT UVMVT319870 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 Amazonas
116124 LOAD-W:DATA-W 0337177 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen REFLORA provisional entry
116975 LOAD-IBGE:DATA-IBGE 00020143 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Filgueiras, TS 1307 B 1988-01-29 Pará Mata do CPATU da EMBRAPA, nos arredores da cidade de Belém. Coordenada calculad... -1.435833 -48.449444
118738 LOAD-PE:DATA-PE 1642654 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderon, E. 1968-00-00
24367 IAN IAN170965 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, JCL de 88 1999-12-07 Brazil Pará Mata alta de terra firme, ao lado do levantamento.
24369 IAN IAN184730 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, MLS 306 2009-11-01 Brazil Pará na entrada da BR para Carapuru seguir aprox. 3,5 Km para a Vila. Sítio Semente ... -1.220833 -48.095278 37
24451 IAN IAN122503 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará Mata do Utinga.
24486 IAN IAN105162 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, E 420 1960-01-25 Brazil Pará Km 130 da Rodoia Belém-Brasília. Mata de terra firme.
24490 IAN IAN106379 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, E 788 1960-05-19 Brazil Pará Km 200 - 204 da Rodovia Belém-Brasília. Mata da terra firme, terreno pedregoso...
24491 IAN IAN103498 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Fróes, Ricardo L. 34679 1958-09-20 Brazil Pará Região do Igarapé Pitoró. Ë beira da mata da terra firme.
24607 IAN IAN083742 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Black, G.A. 16321 1954-06-01 Brazil Pará Rio Mojú, Fábrica; mata do Najateua; várzea.
25010 IAN IAN033006 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Black, G.A. 2245 1948-01-02 Brazil Pará Rio Cuparí. Mata.
5350 COAH 11720 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen van Andel, T. 369 1989-09-27 Colombia Amazonas Puerto Santander margen der. río Caquetá, frente a comunidad indígena de Villazul, terraza baj... -0.56 -72.22 112
87169 COAH 58899 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Marín, C. 2498 2002-01-30 Colombia Caquetá Florencia Vereda el Canelo, finca Cataluña, margen izq. río Orteguaza 1.49 -75.52 276
87194 COAH 47775 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen López-C., R. 7021 2001-05-20 Colombia Putumayo Puerto Leguízamo resguardo indígena de Lagarto Cocha, cuenca del río Caucayá -0.13 -74.85 192
87219 COAH 23833 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cárdenas, D. 7074 1996-01-26 Colombia Guaviare San José del Guaviare sector laguna Pavón II, territorío Nukak, 10.7km a 43¡ de lag. Pavón II, bos... 2.67 -71.07 197
87240 COAH 12471 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen van Andel, T. 369 1989-09-27 Colombia Amazonas Puerto Santander margen der. río Caquetá, frente a comunidad indígena de Villazul, terraza baj... -0.56 -72.22 112
20956 SP 79490 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Murça Pires, J 4908 1956-07-00 Brazil Pará Igarapé Arapijó. Brejo
20991 SP 57602 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Kuhlmann, M. 56 1959-08-19 Brazil Pará Rodovia Belém-Brasília, km 93.
21348 SP 382351 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Mee, M 46219 1995-08-18 Brazil Amazonas Ca. 90 km N de Manaus, Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA, rodovia BR 174, km 72,... -2.316667 -60.083333 105
22895 SP 224375 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N. Cerca de la entrada a Utinga
78174 EAFM 4940 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Amazonas Estrada Manaus-Porto Velho, 40 Km N of Porto Velho. Abundant in rain forest; ope...
84787 INPA 246910 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 415 2011-03-26 Brazil Amazonas BR-319, Ramal do Purupuru. Módulo M01 do Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiverdidade... -3.362925 -59.85 34
84809 INPA 57402 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2 1976-04-05 Brazil Amazonas Manacapuru Lago Grande de Manacapuru. Projeto RADAM/BRASIL, SA-20-ZD-PT¼. 4-A.
84823 INPA 226281 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 272 2006-10-13 Brazil Amazonas Presidente Figueiredo Rebio Uatumã, grade do PPBio. Aproximadamente a 1h e 30m de barco a partir da b... -1.783333 -59.28 81
84863 INPA 221296 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2687 2007-04-30 Brazil Amazonas Canutama Joana D'Arce, 20 km depois de Joana D'Arc, de estrada de barro. Floresta Ombróf... -8.657361 -64.36 92
85136 INPA 29298 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 10948 1971-03-14 Brazil Roraima Vicinity of Mucajaí airstrip. Forest on terra firme. Growing in small clumps.
85174 INPA 126058 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 12325 1982-12-07 Brazil Amazonas Maraã Rio Japurá, environs of town of Maraã. Headwaters of Lago Maraã. Primary fore... -1.783333 -65.62 62
85184 INPA 119704 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 8057 1980-01-24 Brazil Pará Benevides ""Fazenda Maratá, about 30 Km E.N.E. of Belém on road Benfica; along... -1.333333 -48.33 17
85206 INPA 11681 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike s.n. 1908-08-12
85488 INPA 91588 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2981 1979-08-00 Brazil Amazonas ""Rio Urubu, entre Serra da Lua e Cach. Iracema. In met forest along i...
85503 INPA 91385 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Amazonas ""Estrada Manaus-Porto Velho, 40 Km N of Porto Velho. Abundant in rain...
85628 INPA 169857 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 485A 1987-11-13 Brazil Pará Rio Mocoões, 2 Km up river from Anajás. Terra firme forest. -0.95 -49.93 25
85629 INPA 169858 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hopkins, Mike 485A 1987-11-13 Brazil Pará Rio Mocoões, 2 Km up river from Anajás. Terra firme forest. -0.95 -49.93 25
20436 RB RB01423683 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Almeida, T.E. 3631 2014-10-15 Brazil Amazonas Reserva Extrativista do lago do Capanã Grande, trilha às margens do lago Capan... -5.996111 -61.848889 71
39370 RB RB00624871 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, Steven R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Terra firme forest along Petrobras trail. Rio Paca, ca. 5 km S of rio Mari-Mari ... -4.116667 -59 1094
39373 RB RB00624868 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 1478 1980-07-13 Brazil Pará Município de Oriximiná Rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineração ...
16809 MO MO242736 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, Steven R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Terra firme forest along Petrobras trail. Rio Paca, ca. 5 km S of Rio Mari-Mari ...
61261 MO 879484 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hans T. Beck 485A 1987-11-13 Brazil Pará Rio Mocooes. 2 km up river from Anajas. Terra firme forest. -0.95 -49.93333 18
62246 MO 2978876 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Vieira, G. 52 1979-09-22 Brazil Amazonas Estrada humaitá-Lábrea; mata de terra firme; solo argiloso.
62251 MO 2978735 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1428 1969-02-04 Colombia Amazonas Municipio de Leticia, 4 km west of Leticia. Rain forest, Growing in one small op...
62258 MO 2978562 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 8365 1986-01-07 French Guiana NULL Pied du Mont Galbao. Crique Canal panama. Sous-bois. 3.616667 -53.266667 241
62261 MO 2978468 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 4569 1981-07-17 Guyana NULL Fleuve Mana, 1 km en amont du Saut Tamanoir Forêt sur schistes de i'Orapu, rive...
62267 MO 2978271 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oldeman, B. 4205 1971-12-15 Guyana NULL Saul, tracé Belvédére sud, km 2.00 sur plateau lat?ritique légérement surel...
62300 MO 2977424 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 1478 1980-07-13 Brazil Pará Municipio de Oriximiná rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineracão Sa...
62309 MO 2977222 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da Utinga.
62312 MO 2977153 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 1478 1980-07-13 Brazil Pará Municipio de Oriximiná rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineracão sa...
62315 MO 2977082 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Rondônia Porto Velho Highway, 40 km N. of Porto Velho.
63948 MO 2782311 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 9412 1980-03-01 Brazil Pará Paragominas Along Belém-Brasília Highway (BR-010),17 km south of Ligação, near kilometer... -4.133333 -47.366667 209
64142 MO 2678765 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1229 1996-04-19 Ecuador Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.06666 -76.03333 237
64145 MO 2678721 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 1212 1996-04-13 Ecuador Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.06666 -76.03333 237
66377 MO 234069 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4058 1988-05-26 Ecuador Napo Parque Nacional Yasuní. Pozo petrolero Daimi 2. -0.916667 -76.183333 222
66422 MO 233246 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4928 1988-09-22 Ecuador Napo Cantón Aguarico. Parque Nacional Yasuní. Lagunas de Garza Cocha. Bosque húmed... -1.01666 -75.78333 208
66423 MO 233207 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4880 1988-09-22 Ecuador Napo Cantón Aguarico. Parque Nacional Yasuní. Lagunas de Garza Cocha. Bosque húmed... -1.01666 -75.78333 208
66452 MO 232510 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4384 1988-07-15 Ecuador Pastaza Comuna Shuar AMUNTAY (KAPAWI). Bosque húmedo Tropical. -2.51666 -76.8 276
66457 MO 232474 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carlos E. Cerón 4366 1988-07-15 Ecuador Pastaza Comuna Shuar AMUNTAY (KAPAWI). Bosque húmedo Tropical. -2.51666 -76.8 276
67279 MO 223561 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 80415 1988-04-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
67281 MO 223551 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 80271 1988-04-11 Ecuador Sucumbíos Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. One-hectare plot ca. 1 km north of Laguna Grande an... 0 -76.2 216
67284 MO 223539 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71288 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.21666 243
67285 MO 223529 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 52578 1984-07-12 Ecuador Napo At and near Laguna Grande de Cuyabeno. 0 -79.2 391
67287 MO 223519 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 52524 1984-07-12 Ecuador Napo At and near Laguna Grande de Cuyabeno. 0 -79.2 391
67289 MO 223507 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 51241 1984-01-26 Ecuador Napo Along Río Cuyabeno, app. 1 hour in canoe below Puerto Bolívar. Igapó. -0.11666 -76.05 232
67291 MO 223497 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, John S. 31014 1980-05-26 Ecuador Pastaza Lorocachi. Path leading into the forest in the direction S-SW. Wet type of prima... -1.63333 -75.96666 197
67292 MO 223487 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, John S. 30880 1980-05-25 Ecuador Pastaza Lorocachi. On the path to Lagartococha. Wet type of primary forest. -1.63333 -75.96666 197
68159 MO 216419 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Goeldi, André 72 1914-06-00 Brazil Pará Braganca Railroad.
69648 MO 1814120 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, Steven R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Terra firme forest along Petrobras trail. Rio Paca, ca. 5 km S of Rio Mari-Mari ... -4.11666 -59 37
71215 MO 1442229 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Aymard Corredor, Gerardo 7874 1990-02-16 Venezuela Amazonas Dpto. Atabapo. Alto Rio Orinoco. Bosques medios a altos sobre Planicie aluvial. ... 2.96666 -65.35 136
71216 MO 1442190 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Aymard Corredor, Gerardo 7830 1990-02-14 Venezuela Amazonas Dpto. Atabapo. Caño ""Libreta."" Alto Rio Orinoco. Bosques ... 2.96666 -65.35 136
71691 MO 1288193 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hammel, Barry E. 21427 1998-04-09 Suriname Sipaliwini Vicinity of Ulemari River, 99 km upstream from its confluence with Litani River.... 2.97166 -54.55388 235
71696 MO 1288109 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hammel, Barry E. 21344 1998-04-05 Suriname Sipaliwini Vicinity of Ulemari River, 13 km upstream from its confluence with Litani River. 3.221389 -54.258611 154
105201 MO:MO 101468557 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, John S. 31014 1980-05-26 Pastaza Lorocachi. Path leading into the forest in the direction S-SW. Wet type of prima... -1.63333 -75.96666
105202 MO:MO 101468562 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 51241 1984-01-26 Napo Along Río Cuyabeno, app. 1 hour in canoe below Puerto Bolívar. Igapó. -0.11666 -76.05
105203 MO:MO 101468571 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71288 1988-05-27 Loja Around camp AMO II of Conoco. Rain forest. -0.95 -76.21666
106084 MO:MO 102153795 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A. D. 1212 1996-04-13 Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.06666 -76.03333
106085 MO:MO 102153798 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A. D. 1229 1996-04-19 Napo Yasuni National Park, Estacíon Cientifica Yasuni, at Rio Tiputini and surroundi... -0.06666 -76.03333
59231 MG MG211926 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cardoso, A.L.R. 1284 2014-04-00 Brazil Amapá Porto Grande Rio Amaparí -0.707778 -51.584722 25
59388 MG MG126067 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 8365 1986-01-07 French Guiana Guiana Francesa Guiana Francesa 3.616667 -53.266667 241
59457 MG MG100395 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Amazonas -5.166667 -59 70
59688 MG MG009568 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Pessoal do Museu Goeldi s.n. 1908-08-12 Brazil Pará Pará
13227 P P02611171 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Roques, A.R. 19994 1978-02-04 Guyana Env 180km au SW de Cayenne.
13242 P P01783950 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará I.P.E.A.N, mata da Utinga.
13274 P P01783949 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville 4569 1981-07-17 French Guiana Cayenne.
13331 P P01783948 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 8365 1986-01-07 French Guiana Guyane Française. Pied du Mont Galbao, Crique Canal Panama. 3.616667 -53.266667 241
13588 P P00208844 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Crozier, O.F. 1998-07-31 French Guiana Commune de Saint Laurent, Crique Voltaire. SEntier longeant la crique vers le su... 5.033333 -54.133333 81
13788 P P03226356 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Raynal, A.M. 18581 1976-03-11 Guyana Saul, environs du lizu dit, sur la crique Nouvelle France.
13864 P P01783951 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Rondônia Manaus-Porto Velho Highway, 40km N of Porto Velho.
13933 P P01783952 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Descoings, B. 20515 1974-01-23 French Guiana Environs de SaŸl, piste de SaŸl à la Roche Bâteau sur la crique Nouvelle Fra...
13963 P P01783954 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oldeman B/4205 1971-12-15 French Guiana SaŸl, tracé Belvédère sud, km 2000sur plateau latéritique légèrement surÃ...
14062 P P01783953 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cremers, G. 12678 1991-11-11 French Guiana Guyane Française, Montagnes de la Trinité, bassin de la Mana. 4.583333 -53.35 255
14120 P P02611173 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1428 1969-02-04 Colombia Comisaría de Amazonas, Município de Letíci, 4km west of Leticia.
87788 P P01783952 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Descoings, B. 1974-01-23 French Guiana
87803 P P01783953 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cremers, G. 1991-11-11 French Guiana 4.58333 -53.35 255
88111 P P01783951 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1979-07-06 Brazil Rondônia
88236 P P01783954 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oldeman 1971-12-15 French Guiana
88779 P P01783950 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará Belém
88780 P P01783948 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 1986-01-07 French Guiana 3.61667 -53.26667 241
88794 P P01783949 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville 1981-07-17 French Guiana
89992 P P03226356 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Raynal, A.M. 1976-03-11 Guyana
90263 P P02611171 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Roques, A.R. 1978-02-04 Guyana
90699 P P00208844 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poncy, O. 1998-07-31 French Guiana 5.03333 -54.13333 81
90704 P P02611173 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1969-02-04 Colombia
19042 U U.1514814 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Lindeman, J.C. Lindeman, JC; Görts-van Rijn, A 1980-09-29 Suriname Area of Kabalebo Dam project, distr. Nickerie. Bad high forest W of road km 112. 4.5 -57.75 113
19091 WAG WAG.1538589 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. Calderón, CE 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará: Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da Utinga.
19706 U U.1514813 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Raynal-Roques, A.M. Raynal-Roques, AM 19994 1978-02-04 French Guiana Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 3.6 -53.233333 209
19771 U U.1514822 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Prance, G.T. Prance, GT; Steward, WC; Ramos, 1971-03-14 Brazil Territorio do Roraima. Posto Mucajaí, Rio Mucajaí. Vicinity of Mucajaí airstr...
19805 U U.1514817 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de Granville, J-J de 8365 1986-01-07 French Guiana Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 3.583333 -53.25 226
19915 U U.1514838 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon Laegaard, S 71288 1988-05-28 Ecuador Loja -0.95 -76.216667 245
19937 L L.3800994 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hammel, Barry E. Hammel, BE; Koemar, S 21344 1998-04-05 Suriname Sipaliwini. Vicinity of Ulemari river 13 km upstream from its confluence with Li... 3.221389 -54.258611 154
19957 L L.3800979 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Andel TR van Andel, TR van; Rodrigues, A; Mat 1989-09-27 Colombia Colombia: Amazonas, Rio Caqueta, margen derecho, frente a Villa Azul.
19962 L L.3800991 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hammel, Barry E. Hammel, BE; Koemar, S 21427 1998-04-09 Suriname Sipaliwini, vicinity of Ulemari river, 99 km upstream from its confluence with L... 2.971667 -54.553889 235
6403 K K000997249 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará Mata da Utinga.
6465 K K000997250 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Rio Paca, ca. 5km S of rio Mari-Mari near Laranjal. -4.116667 -59 31
8442 K K000997251 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Amazonas Porto Velho Highway, 40 km N. of Porto Velho.
74395 K K000997251 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Porto Velho Highway, 40 km N. of Porto Velho. Data not transcribed
74406 K K000997250 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Rio Paca, ca. 5km S of rio Mari-Mari near Laranjal. -4.12 -59 Data not transcribed 21
74420 K K000997249 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Mata da Utinga.
243 US US 2885968 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 7182 1977-05-03 Peru Loreto Peruvianae. Dept. Loreto, Prov. Maynas: Rio Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail ...
10858 US US00140992 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Goeldi, E. 72 Brazil Pará Braganca railroad.
26663 US US 2885969 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 6840 1977-04-12 Peru Loreto Prov. Maynas: Rio Yaguasyacu, affluent of Rio Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinit... -2.67 -72 147
38043 US US 3437528 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hammel, Barry E. 21344 1998-04-05 Suriname Sipaliwini Ulemari R, 13 km upstream from confl. with Litani R. 3.22 -54.25 Primary forest 152
38097 US US 3455968 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oldeman, Roelof A.A. B 4205 1971-12-15 French Guiana SaŸl, tracé Belvédère sud, km. 2000, entre Crique Cochon et Crique Belvédè... 3.58 -53.2 Sous forêt; sur plateau latéritique légèrement surélevé 221
38133 US US 3450069 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Raynal, A. M. 19994 1978-02-04 French Guiana SaŸl, Roche Bateau 1 3.56 -53.2 Low primary forest 215
41822 US US 2724031 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará Belem
41828 US US 3032058 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas Rio paca/rio mari-mari, laranjal
42190 US US 2383430 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Pires, J.M. 4908 1958-07-07 Brazil Pará Picada de breves/igarape arapijo
42523 US US 2205535 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Black, G.A. 54-16321 1954-06-01 Brazil Amazonas Rio yoju, fabrica
45345 US US 3395414 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Black, G.A. 54-16321 1954-06-01 Brazil Pará Pará, Rio Mojú, Fábrica
45649 US US 3083920 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Schulz, J. Lbb 10440 1983-08-06 Suriname Suriname Valley sw of juliana peak, willelmiha mountain
46363 US US 3136713 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1428 1969-02-04 Colombia Amazônas Leticia 4 km W of Leticia Rain forest, growing in one small open area, well drained with more light
47613 US US 3080632 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2773 1979-07-06 Brazil Rondônia Manaus, 40 km N of Porto Velho
48043 US US 2822180 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Schulz, J.P. 10146 A 1963-07-25 Suriname Wilhelmina mt
50196 US US 3133350 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 80684 1988-04-11 Ecuador Napo N of Laguna Grande, Reserva de produccion faunistica cuyabeno Tropical rainforest on terra firme
50696 US US 3337904 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 51241 1984-01-26 Ecuador Napo Along Rio cuyabeno, below Puerto Bolivar, igapo -0.1167 -76.05 237
50782 US US 3134970 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Granville, J.-J. de 8365 1986-01-07 French Guiana Cayenne / Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni Pied du mont galbao, crique canal panama. [in former inini arrondissement.]
51487 US US 3133353 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 80667 1988-04-11 Ecuador Napo N of Laguna Grande, Reserva de produccion faunistica cuyabeno Tropical rainforest on terra firme
51495 US US 3265556 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cremers, G. 12678 1991-11-11 French Guiana Montagnes de la trinite - bassin de la mana 4.5833 -53.35 255
51616 US US 3133354 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Poulsen, A.D. 78741 1988-04-11 Ecuador Napo N of Laguna Grande, Reserva de produccion faunistica cuyabeno Tropical rainforest on terra firme
51620 US US 3215945 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Brandbyge, J. 31014 1980-05-26 Ecuador Pastaza Lorocachi; path leading into the forest in the direction s-sw -1.6333 -75.9667 Wet type of primary forest 199
52497 US US 2985966 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 9412 1980-03-01 Brazil Pará Paragominas Belem/brasilia hwy
52718 US US 3080638 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2981 1979-08-08 Brazil Amazonas Rio urubu between serra da lua and iracena waterfall
54028 US US 3337726 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Laegaard, Simon 71288 1988-05-27 Ecuador Loja Around Camp Amo II of Conoco -0.95 -76.2167 3894
54732 US US 2236449 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Maguire, B. 24808 1944-09-19 Suriname Tafelberg, table mt
54964 US US 2769571 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Coêlho, L. 80 1976-04-05 Brazil Amazonas Lago grande de manacapuru
55167 US US 1039650 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Goeldi, E. 72 1914-00-00 Brazil Pará Braganca railroad.
55736 US US 3010005 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Prance, G.T. 10948 1971-03-14 Brazil Roraima Posto mucajai, rio mucajai
57013 US US 3140857 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cerón M., C.E. 4058 1988-05-26 Ecuador Napo Parque Nacional yasuni; pozo petrolero daimi 2 Primary tropical rain forest; ground inundated
57174 US US 2985967 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 8057 1980-01-24 Brazil Pará Benevides Faz. marata
57543 US US 3149506 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Satomi, N. 193 1973-11-07 Colombia Caquetá Peneya
58394 US US 2550790 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Schulz, J.P. 10440 1963-08-06 Suriname Wilhelmina mts.
9835 NY NY02634011 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9840 NY NY02634012 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9845 NY NY02634009 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9849 NY NY02634010 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9852 NY NY02634008 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9856 NY NY02634005 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9859 NY NY02634007 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9863 NY NY02634006 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
9868 NY NY02634004 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
10607 NY NY00906299 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 681 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.491944 -45.250833 23
10912 NY NY02634014 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
10952 NY NY02634016 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
11059 NY NY02634013 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
11101 NY NY02634015 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
11168 NY NY00906297 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 737 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.491944 -45.250833 23
11399 NY NY00906298 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 689a 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.491944 -45.250833 23
29725 NY 2634011 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
30013 NY 2634015 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
30135 NY 906297 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 737 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Monção Mun. Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.140453 -45.963533 Forest grass. Moist terra firme forest on mild slope, dominated by Eschweilera a... 49
30557 NY 2634010 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
30602 NY 2634012 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 8057 1980-01-24 Brazil Pará Benevides Mun. Fazenda Maratá, about 30 km. E.N.E. of Belém on road to Benfica -1.333333 -48.333333 12
30605 NY 2634004 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Hill, S.R. 12927 1983-07-02 Brazil Amazonas rio Paca, ca. 5 km S of rio Mari-Mari near Laranjal -4.12 -59 21
30937 NY 2634005 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
30983 NY 906298 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 689a 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Monção Mun. Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.140453 -45.963533 Forest grass. Moist terra firme forest on mild slope, dominated by Eschweilera a... 49
31039 NY 2634014 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Nee, Michael H. 46219 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. ca 80 km N de Manaus, Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA, Rodovia BR 174, km 64, ... -2.32 -60.08 125
31162 NY 2634006 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Cid Ferreira, C.A. 1812 1980-07-24 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. rio Trombetas, margem esquerda, mata ao lado do lago Muçurá.
31182 NY 2634008 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
31262 NY 2634009 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 8054 1980-01-20 Brazil Pará Belém. ""O Bosque Municipal"". -1.45 -48.48 1472
31305 NY 906299 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Balée, W.L. 681 1985-02-12 Brazil Maranhão Monção Mun. Basin of the Rio Turiaçu; Ka'apor Indian Reserve; 4 km NW of settlement of Urut... -3.140453 -45.963533 Forest grass. Moist terra firme forest on mild slope, dominated by Eschweilera a... 49
31430 NY 2634016 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Beck, H.T. 485a 1987-11-13 Brazil Pará Rio Mocoões. 2 km up river from Anajás. -0.95 -49.933333 18
31763 NY 2634007 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 12325 1982-12-07 Brazil Amazonas Maraã Mun. Rio Japura, environs of town Maraa. Headwaters of Lago Maraa. -1.783333 -65.62 62
31995 NY 2634013 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Plowman, Timothy C. 9412 1980-03-01 Brazil Pará Paragominas Mun. Belém-Brasília highway (BR 010) 17 km. south of Ligação do Pará, near kilom... -4.28 -47.53 250
2714 HUAZ 301 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Ramirez, R. 537 2001-07-27 Colombia Caquetá Florencia universidad de la Amazonia
26864 COL 143 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Swallen, Jason R. 3223 Colombia Caquetá Araracuara
32371 COL 358309 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available] 71288
32590 COL 311871 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Torres R., J.H. 3223 Colombia Caquetá Solano Amazonas,Pintadillo,frente al al tercera Isla,margen izquierda del rio Caqueta u...
3648 ESA 98879 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1205 Brazil Amazonas
20807 ESA 142400 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Reis, R. 10581 Brazil Maranhão
20812 ESA 142419 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Reis, R. 10946 1993-05-03 Brazil Maranhão
97254 ESA:ESALQ 098879 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, R.P. 1205 2005-04-24 Amazonas
97370 ESA:ESALQ 142400 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Reis, R. 10581 1992-12-24 Maranhão
97376 ESA:ESALQ 142419 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Reis, R. 10946 1993-05-03 Maranhão
7593 HUEFS HUEFS0179830 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 289 2009-10-24 Brazil Amazonas BR 174 sentido para Presidente Figueredo, Km 98,5, 200m antes ponte do Rio Urubu...
8914 HUEFS HUEFS0173004 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 306 2009-11-01 Brazil Pará Na entrada da BR para Carapuru seguir aprox. 3,5 km para a vila. Sítio Semente ...
9547 HUEFS HUEFS0098562 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1205 2005-04-24 Brazil Amazonas estrada para Manaus, mata próxima ao rio Urubu.
78721 HUEFS 179847 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 306 2009-11-01 Brazil Pará Vila de Caraparú; na entrada da BR para Manacapuru seguir aproximadamente 3,5 K... -1.368889 -48.164167 30
78722 HUEFS 179848 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 307 2009-11-06 Brazil Pará Reserva da Embrapa ( do 15). -1.422222 -48.4025 17
78723 HUEFS 179830 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 289 2009-10-24 Brazil Amazonas BR 174 sentido para Presidente Figueredo, Km 98,5, 200m antes ponte do Rio Urubu... -2.115556 -59.991667 59
78730 HUEFS 179831 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 290 2009-10-24 Brazil Amazonas BR 174 sentido para Presidente Figueredo, Km 98,5, 200m antes ponte do Rio Urubu... -2.115556 -59.991667 59
78818 HUEFS 173004 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Carvalho, Maria Luiza S. de 306 2009-11-01 Brazil Pará Na entrada da BR para Carapuru seguir aprox. 3,5 km para a vila. Sítio Semente ... -1.368889 -48.164444 30
79237 HUEFS 98562 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Oliveira, R. Patricia 1205 2005-04-24 Brazil Amazonas estrada para Manaus, mata próxima ao rio Urubu. -2.116389 -5.466389
108054 MPU:UM 1356169 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen
527 [Not Available] Oliveira 1205 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
1640 [Not Available] PRE0974150-0 Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen Calderón, Cleofé E. 2065 1968-02-03 Brazil Pará: Balém; P.I.E.A.N, mata da Utinga.
2826 [Not Available] M.L.S.Carvalho 307 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available]
3132 [Not Available] R.P. Oliveira, J.G. Jardim, S.H. Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available] 2005-04-24 Brazil Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo
3155 [Not Available] M.L.S. Carvalho 307 (HUEFS) Poaceae Piresia goeldii Swallen [no data available] Brazil
| 1-225 of 225 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';