CEPEC00009693 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2209 1972-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, Rod. Itamaraju/São Paulinho, 4Km ao NW da cidade.
CEPEC00012764 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2142 1976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Gregório Bondar da CEPLAC. Estação Experimental.
CEPEC00012793 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2196 1976-05-11
Brazil, Bahia, Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal, 14Km a E da BR-101, 13Km ao N Itamaraju.
CEPEC00012916 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1879 1972-03-11
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Canto Grande. Reserva Florestal Linhares.
CEPEC00029009 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2357 1983-11-03
Brazil, Bahia, 12Km ao NW cidade, junção com a BR-101.
CEPEC00012763 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2221 1976-05-24
Brazil, Bahia, 7Km a E de São José do Macuco, Rod. Para Uma.
CEPEC00009691 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Km 104 da BA-2. 14Km N Gandu, Rod. Para Nilo Pecanha.
CEPEC00012740 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, 5Km ao SW de Itacaré e 25Km a E de Taboquinhas.
CEPEC00009723 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2256 1972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, 22Km SE cidade. Riacho de Ouro.
CEPEC00029011 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2377 1976-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, 22Km ao SE da cidade, Rod. Para Apuarema.
CEPEC00012778 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2211 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Rampa do morro da Fazenda Carvalho, ca. 26Km ao W Monte Pascoal.
CEPEC00012765 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, 31Km ao SW de Belmonte e 84Km a E de Itapebi.
CEPEC00022403 Santos, Talmon S. dos 3559 1980-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Entrada para a Barragem, Km 6 da Rod. Itacaré/Ubaitaba
CEPEC00009688 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2180 1972-03-19
Brazil, Bahia, 10Km ao SW Itacaré.
CEPEC00029037 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2399 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Rod. Una/Olivença (Estrada de Pontal), 19Km ao N de Una.
CEPEC00029028 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2370 1976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, 25Km ao N da Rod. Ipiaú/Jequié, Rod. Apuarema/Jaguaquara.
CEPEC00083673 Amorim, André M. 3143 1999-09-30
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Biologica do Mico-leão. Ecoparque do IESB.
CEPEC00041682 Pinto, G.C.P. 115 1986-12-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mata do Cassarangongo.
CEPEC00135578 Coelho, M.M. 835
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Corcovado, acesso pela vertente oposta à de Seu Francisco. çrea denominada de Corcovado São Domingos, acesso pela Fazenda Aleluia, proprietário Sérgio Brito, Contato seu China.
CEPEC00061116 Carvalho, A.M. 4476 2000-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Brasil Holanda. Entr. Km 22 Rod. Eunápolis/P. Seguro. Ca. 9.5Km na entrada.
CEPEC00131148 Oliveira, R. Patricia 1522 2008-04-25
Brazil, Bahia, Rodovia para Ituberá (BA-001) Reserva Ecológica da Michelin. Mata da pancada Grande. Trilha das Andorinhas.
CEPEC00114980 Borges, R. A. X. 459
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Corcovado. 13,8km ao SW de Coaraci na estrada para Almadina. Fazenda São José. Proprietário Senhor Francisco.
CEPEC00131610 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2484 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Caminho de Olivença a Una, KM 35.
131610 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2484 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Caminho de Olivença a Una, KM 35.
135578 Coelho, M.M. 835 2012-06-08
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Corcovado, acesso pela vertente oposta à de Seu Francisco. çrea denominada de Corcovado São Domingos, acesso pela Fazenda Aleluia, proprietário Sérgio Brito, Contato seu China., -14.701667 -39.603333, 850m
131148 de Oliveira, R. P. 1522 2008-04-25
Brazil, Bahia, Rodovia para Ituberá (BA-001) Reserva Ecológica da Michelin. Mata da pancada Grande. Trilha das Andorinhas., -13.816667 -39.133333, 4m
114980 Borges, R. A. X. 459 2006-12-17
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Corcovado. 13,8km ao SW de Coaraci na estrada para Almadina. Fazenda São José. Proprietário Senhor Francisco., -14.705833 -39.603333, 690m
83673 Amorim, André M. 3143 1999-09-30
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Biologica do Mico-leão. Ecoparque do IESB.
29037 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2399 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Rod. Una/Olivença (Estrada de Pontal), 19Km ao N de Una.
29011 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2377 1976-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, 22Km ao SE da cidade, Rod. Para Apuarema.
29028 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2370 1976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, 25Km ao N da Rod. Ipiaú/Jequié, Rod. Apuarema/Jaguaquara.
29009 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2357 1983-11-03
Brazil, Bahia, 12Km ao NW cidade, junção com a BR-101.
22403 Santos, Talmon S. dos 3559 1980-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Entrada para a Barragem, Km 6 da Rod. Itacaré/Ubaitaba
12765 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, 31Km ao SW de Belmonte e 84Km a E de Itapebi.
12778 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2211 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Rampa do morro da Fazenda Carvalho, ca. 26Km ao W Monte Pascoal.
12740 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, 5Km ao SW de Itacaré e 25Km a E de Taboquinhas.
12763 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2221 1976-05-24
Brazil, Bahia, 7Km a E de São José do Macuco, Rod. Para Uma.
9723 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2256 1972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, 22Km SE cidade. Riacho de Ouro., -13.633333 -39.866667, 679m
9691 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Km 104 da BA-2. 14Km N Gandu, Rod. Para Nilo Pecanha., -13.666667 -39.45, 139m
9688 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2180 1972-03-19
Brazil, Bahia, 10Km ao SW Itacaré., -14.3 -39.083333, 25m
00061116 Carvalho, A.M. 4476 2000-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, Parque Nacional do Pau Brasil, Reserva Brasil Holanda. Entr. Km 22 Rod. Eunápolis/P. Seguro. Ca. 9.5Km na entrada.
V0046610F Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, Belmonte
299095 Zuloaga, Fernando O.
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, camino de olivença a Una, ramal para Vila Brasil.
299094 Zuloaga, Fernando O.
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, camino de olivença a Una, ramal para Vila Brasil.
299098 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Road Olivença-Vila Brasil, 17.3 km SW of Olivença and then 31.2 km to the right on side rd Sapucaeira-Cururupe
299097 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Ilhéus, Road Olivença-Vila Brasil, 17.3 km SW of Olivença and then 31.2 km to the right on side rd Sapucaeira-Cururupe
299104 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, 22 km SE of Jaguaquara on road toward Apuarema.
299101 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Jequié, 25 km N of Road Ipiau-Jequié, on road to Apuarema-Jaguaquara
299109 Zuloaga, Fernando O.
Brazil, Bahia, Una, camino de Olivença a Una, km 35
299107 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, -, Mun. Wenceslau Guimarães ex Nilo Peçanha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km North of Gandú city, -13.67 -39.45, 132m
299105 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, 12 km NW of Ibirataia on connecting road with BR-101.
299103 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, 22 km SE of Jaguaquara on road toward Apuarema.
299100 Calderón, Cleofé E.
Brazil, Bahia, Jequié, 25 km N of Road Ipiau-Jequié, on road to Apuarema-Jaguaquara
364460 Thomas, W. Wayt 11430 1997-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, 5.3 km from Almadina on road to Ibatupã, them left 7.9 km on road to Serra dos Sete Paus., -14.736389 -39.699167, 498m
349348A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2484 1979-02-24
Brazil, Bahia, Road Olivença - Vila Brasil, 17.3 km SW of Olivença and then 31.2 km to the right on side road Sapucaeira - Cururupe
349348 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2484 1979-02-24
Brazil, Bahia, Road Olivença - Vila Brasil, 17.3 km SW of Olivença and then 31.2 km to the right on side road Sapucaeira - Cururupe
235845 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, 31 km SW of Belmonte and 84 km E of Itapebi
235885 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2211 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Forested slopes of morro on Fazenda Carvalho, ca. 26 km west of town of Monte Pascoal, at end of road that intersects with BR 101 in Monte Pascoal
235885B Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2211 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Forested slopes of morro on Fazenda Carvalho, ca. 26 km west of town of Monte Pascoal, at end of road that intersects with BR 101 in Monte Pascoal
235857 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, 5 km sw of Itacaré and 25 km e of Taboquinhas
235868 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2221 1976-05-24
Brazil, Bahia, 7 km east of São José do Macuco on road to Una
235857A Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, 5 km sw of Itacaré and 25 km e of Taboquinhas
235885A Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2211 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Forested slopes of morro on Fazenda Carvalho, ca. 26 km west of town of Monte Pascoal, at end of road that intersects with BR 101 in Monte Pascoal
224358 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, ex Nilo Peçanha: km 104 Rd BA 2: 14 km north of Gandú city, -13.666667 -39.45, 139m
105140 Hopkins, Mike 2377 1976-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, On road toward Apuarema. Remains of forest, at present small capoeira. Very abundant bamboo all over the forest, covering large areas, climbing by branching and rebranching and hanging from trees.
105133 Hopkins, Mike 2370 1976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, Jequié, 25 Km N of road Ipiau-Jequié, on road to Apuarema-Jaguaquara. Abundant in dense, indisturbed forest. Climbing bamboo forming thick masses, entangled with trees, propably up to 18-20 m in height.
105159 Hopkins, Mike 2399 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Una-Olivença, Estrada de Pontal, 19 Km N of Una. Dominant in this part of """"mata litorânea"""" of sandy soil. Near the edge of forest mixed with another sp of Atractantha (CEC et al. 2389) and a Merostachys. Forming rather small clumps, culms decumb""
105120 Hopkins, Mike 2357 1976-04-03
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, ""12 Km NW of Ibirataia on connecting road with BR-101; the dominant plant in forest on higher parts of hill; climbing and leaning over vegetation.""
RB01470118 Pimenta, K.M. 502 2012-10-04
Brazil, Bahia, Mata Atlântica. Pancada Grande. Reserva Ecológica Michelin
RB01401870 Martinelli, G. 20579 2018-11-22
Brazil, Bahia, Assentamento Paulo Freire, Núcleo Sapucaia, estrada entre a Lagoa Preta e Lagoa do Jade. Mata Atlântica Sul Bahiana., -18.067222 -39.664444, 36m
RB00700865 Borges, R.A.X. 459 2006-12-17
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Corcovado. 13.8km ao SW de Coaraci na estrada para Almadina. Fazenda São José. Proprietário Senhor Francisco., -14.705833 -39.603333, 690m
RB00612680 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2481 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Camino de Olivença a Una, ramal para a Vila Brasil.
RB00581312 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2484 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Camino de Olivença a Una, km 35. restinga arbórea.
RB00581174 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2484 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Camino de Olivença a Una, km 35.
MO206659 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, Belmonte, 31 km SW of Belmonte & 84 km E of Itapebi. Low forest on white sand slopes above creek, the ground covered with bamboo leaf litter. Two species of flowering bamboo, climbing over the trees and intertwined
MO242371 Plowman, Timothy C. 10088 1980-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Itacaré: Rodovia BA 654, km 6 ao oeste de Itacaré. Growing in margin of disturbed primary forest along logging road
MO242369 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2256 1972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Jaguaquara, Riacho do Ouro. 22 km SE of Jaguaquara City
MO242370 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2256 1972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Jaguaquara, Riacho do Ouro. 22 km SE of Jaguaquara City
3436148 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2484 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una: Camino de Olivenc|5a a Una, km 35, restinga arbórea
3436141 Carvalho, André M. de 4476 1994-04-06
Brazil, Bahia, Munic. de Porto Seguro. Reserva da Brasil Holanda Ind. S/A. Entrada no Km 22 da Rod. Eunapólis/P. Seguro. Ca. 9.5 Km na entrada. Mata Grófila Sul Baiana. Mata perturbada, -16.4625 -39.32527, 110m
3436154 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2481 1985-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ilheus: Camino de Olivença a Una, ramal para Vila Brasil, restinga arborea
3435973 Thomas, W. Wayt 11863 1999-01-28
Brazil, Bahia, Uruçuca: Parque Estadual Serra do Condurú, ca. 11 km W of Serra Grande on road to Uruçuca, then N on farm road to ""Ramal Buraco da Joana"". Southern Bahian wet forest, disturbed by logging., -14.46666 -39.08333, 155m
2826199 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Itacaré: 5 km s.w. of Itacaré and 25 km e. of Taboquinhas.
2826136 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2214 1976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Itacaré: 5 km s.w. of Itacaré and 25 km e. of Taboquinhas.
2826094 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2357 1976-04-03
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ibirataia, 12 km NW of Ibirataia on connecting road with BR-101. Small, delicate bamboo, the dominant plant in forest on higher partsof hill.
2826004 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2399 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una, road Una-Olivenga (Estrada de Pontal), 19 km N of Una. Dominant in this part of ""mata litorânea"" of sandy soil. Near the edge of forest mixed with another sp. of Atractantha (CEC et al. 2389) and a Merostachys.
2825823 Thomas, W. Wayt 11430 1997-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Almadina: 5.3 km. from Almadina on road to Ibatupãa, then left 7.9 km. on road to Serra dos Sete Paus. Partially disturbed Southern Bahian Wet Forest on mountain slope., -14.73638 -39.69916, 498m
2825727 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2221 1976-05-24
Brazil, Bahia, Mun Una: 7 km east of São José do Macuro on road to Una. Tall forest on steep slopes above river, with ferns, Araceae, Marantaceae, & bamboos.
2825576 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2484 1979-02-24
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ilheus, Road Olivença-Vila Brasil, 17.3 Km. SW of Olivença and then 31.2 Km to the right on side road Sapucaeira-Cururupe. Growing at the edge of secondary, partially cut forest along the road. Climbling and sending out new shoots and covering densely the vegetation. Forest in a sandy soil.
2825036 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2484 1979-02-24
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ilheus, Road Olivença-Vila Brasil, 17.3 Km. SW of Olivença and then 31.2 Km to the right on side road Sapucaeira-Cururupe. Growing at the edge of secondary, partially cut forest along the road. Climbling and sending out new shoots and covering densely the vegetation. Forest in a sandy soil.
2824862 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guiarães ex Nilo Peçanha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km North of Gandú city., -13.66666 -39.45, 129m
2824783 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guiarães ex Nilo Peçanha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km North of Gandú city., -14.5 -39.45, 420m
2824674 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guimarães ex Nilo Peçancha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km North of Gandú city., -13.66666 -39.45, 129m
2824428 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guimarães ex Nilo Peçancha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km north of Gandú city., -13.66666 -39.45, 129m
2824373 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2233 1972-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guimarães ex Nilo Peçncha: km 104 Rd Ba 2: 14 km North of Gandú city., -13.66666 -39.45, 129m
227028 Zuloaga, Fernando O. 2399 1985-05-07
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Mpio. Domingos Martins. Selva en cerro del Dr. Kautsky
226973 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2256 1972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Jaguaquara, Riacho do Ouro. 22 km SE of Jaguaquara City, -13.63333 -39.86666, 701m
226962 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2180 1972-03-19
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Itacare, 10 km S Itacare.
222178 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2148 1976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, Belmonte, 31 km SW of Belmonte & 84 km E of Itapebi. Low forest on white sand slopes above creek, the ground covered with bamboo leaf litter. Two species of flowering bamboo, climbing over the trees and intertwined
1812737 Plowman, Timothy C. 10088 1980-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Itacaré: Rodovia BA 654, km 6 ao oeste de Itacaré. Growing in margin of disturbed primary forest along logging road, -14.3 -39.03333, 68m