367086 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2387 1976-04-22
Brazil, Bahia, Road from Una to São José do Macuco, 19 km NW of Colonia de Una.
367098 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2369 1976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, 28 km N of road Ipiau-Jaquié, on road to Apuarema-Jaguaquara, Faz. São João. Top of hilly region with dense forest of thin trees with many palms, very large epiphyte Bromeliaceae and bamboo
367320 Carvalho, A.M. 4372 1994-02-06
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Biológica do Mico-leão, Entrance at km 46 of BA-001, Ilhéus to Una, 1.8 km from the main gate., -15.15 -39.083333, 41m
367670 Sarahyba, L.S. 1053 1994-02-25
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima, Pedra Bicuda., -22.383333 -42.416667, 1023m
367106 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2307 1976-03-05
Brazil, Acre, at edge of town
367162 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2409 1976-05-07
Brazil, Bahia, 19 km N of Esplanada city on road to Jaquera, near the intersection with BR-101, E side.
367153 Carvalho, A.M. 4362 1994-02-05
Brazil, Bahia, 5.4 km southwest of Olivença, road Olivença - Vila Brasil, -14.95 -39.166667, 74m
367113A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2405 1976-04-29
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una - São José do Macuco, 18 km NW of Una
367049 Carvalho, A.M. 4394 1994-02-18
Brazil, Bahia, 1,5-1,8 km toward Cariva from the road to S. José - Una, turnoff to Cariva at 187 km from BR-101 at São José., -15.166667 -39.216667, 92m
363708 Thomas, W. Wayt 12326 2001-03-18
Brazil, Bahia, Fazenda Pedra Grande, 16.2 km west of Itanhém on road to Batinga, then 0.6 km N to Fazenda. (owner Otevaldo Resende da Silva)., -17.132722 -40.421611, 314m
367053 Carvalho, A.M. 4361 1994-02-03
Brazil, Bahia, Itapetinga, forest above microwave tower (antenna) on a hill near the city, reached from a turnoff from the main road at 3.4 km along the road toward Itabuna., -15.283333 -40.2, 289m
367097 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2379 1976-04-13
Brazil, Bahia, Ca. 9.5 km SE of Jaguaquara. Faz. Mundo Novo
367093 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2435 1976-05-13
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Sincorá, Old road Mucugé-Itaeté, 27 km SE of Andaraí.
367318 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2359 1976-04-05
Brazil, Bahia, 23 km N of Ibirataia, on side road conecting with BR 101, Faz. Macedonia
367023 Negrelle, R A465 1992-10-11
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Reserva Volta Velha. Subbosque no meio da trilha
373720 Clark, Lynn G. 1044 1992-02-24
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Road from Orleans to Bom Jardim da Serra, -28.366667 -49.55, 1309m
367168 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2438 1976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Road BR-116, ca 42 km N of Jequié.
367051 Carvalho, A.M. 4391 1994-02-16
Brazil, Bahia, 11 km W of Aurelino Leal on the road to Lajes do Banco., -14.333333 -39.383333, 161m
367586 Guilherme, F.A.G. 177 1998-11-21
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Fazenda Mata Virgem
364458 Thomas, W. Wayt 11432 1997-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, 5.3 km from Almadina on road to Ibatupã, then left 7.9 km on road to Serra dos Sete Paus., -14.736389 -39.699167, 498m
367109 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2274 1974-11-30
Brazil, Amapá, Serra do Navio, Region of Serra do Navio, Serra do Veado, 7,5 km from Serra do Navio by the road.
367918 Kuhlmann, M. 3152 1949-01-20
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga
367039 Clark, Lynn G. 1186 1994-01-19
Brazil, São Paulo, Mata da Fazenda Santa Teresa near the Instituto Agronômico., -21.166667 -47.833333, 539m
363470 Thomas, W. Wayt 12518 2001-05-19
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Castanhão, 14,5 km S of Jequié on BR-116 to paved road (at Churrascaria Corujão); then 7,3 km W of BR-116., -13.947833 -40.196333, 541m
364389 Thomas, W. Wayt 11482 1997-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Reserva Biológica de Una, Western side (27 km W of Una on road to São José, then 3.9 km N to Reserve via Fazenda Piedade, then 8 km E to sede)., -15.18 -39.141389, 100m
367906 [no data available] s.n. 1994-01-19
Brazil, São Paulo
367054 Carvalho, A.M. 4360 1994-02-03
Brazil, Bahia, Parque da Matinha., -15.25 -40.25, 280m
367182 Carvalho, A.M. 4375 1994-02-09
Brazil, Bahia, Below Fazenda Cordilhera, along trail starting at 4,4 km along road to Pimenteira from União Queimada at Faz. Pão de Açucar, -14.7 -39.466667, 173m
367319 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2370 1976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, 25 km N of road Ipiau - Jequié, on road to Apuarema - Jaguaquara
367923 Kuhlmann, M. 3150 1948-06-10
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Biológica de Paranapiacaba. Picada Lutz
367183 Carvalho, A.M. 4393 1994-02-18
Brazil, Bahia, 1.5-1.8 km toward Cariva from the road to S. José-Una, turnoff to Caraiva at 18 km from BR-101 at S. José., -15.166667 -39.216667, 92m
367314 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2368 1976-04-07
Brazil, Bahia, 12,5 km N of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101.
367026 Negrelle, R A-370 1992-08-27
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Reserva Volta Velha
367100A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2488 1979-02-27
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una -Olivença, CEPLAC's Forestal Reserve ""Lemos Maia"". Ca. 7 km from Una.
367090 Irwin, Howard S. 5801 1964-08-31
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Parque Municipal do Gama, Ca. 20 km S of Brasília.
367912 Kuhlmann, M. 3153 1949-01-26
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Biológica de Boracéia
367034 Clark, Lynn G. 1182 1994-01-18
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Experimental Engenheiro Armando Pettinelli. Instituto Agronômico. Cultivated in experimental plantation., -23.4 -47.866667, 623m
367905 Barros, F 2350 1991-10-30
Brazil, São Paulo, Ilha do Cardoso, Ipanema
367059 Clark, Lynn G. 1177 1994-01-17
Brazil, São Paulo, Instituto Agronômico, Mata Santa Elisa. Disturbed forest remnant near the river on the grounds of the Institute, -22.9 -47.066667, 671m
367113 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2405 1976-04-29
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una - São José do Macuco, 18 km NW of Una
367181 Carvalho, A.M. 4374 1994-02-09
Brazil, Bahia, Below Fazenda Cordilhera, along trail starting at 4.4 km along road to Pimenteira from União Queimada at Faz. Pão de Açúcar., -14.7 -39.466667, 173m
367593 Guilherme, F.A.G. 181 1999-01-30
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Parque Florestal Quedas do Rio Bonito
367914 Kuhlmann, M. s.n. 1948-03-18
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Biológica de Paranapiacaba. Junto à picada da Light.
367169 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2183 1972-03-22
Brazil, Bahia, Formerly Itacaré. Rd. Ubaitaba - Lage do Banco: Faz. Santa Maria, 12 km SW of Ubaitaba., -14.333333 -39.4, 79m
367155 Carvalho, A.M. 4364 1994-02-05
Brazil, Bahia, About 3 km southwest of Olivença, road Olivença-Vila Brasil, -14.933333 -39.066667, 100m
367911 Kuhlmann, M. 3151 1948-04-29
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Experimental
367057 Carvalho, A.M. 4357 1994-02-02
Brazil, Bahia, Road from BR-101 to Jussari, about 3,2 km from BR-101, -15.216667 -39.466667, 200m
367915 Kuhlmann, M. s.n. 1948-03-16
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga
367007 Joly, A.B. CFSC3214 1972-08-22
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Km 139 ao longo da rodovia Lagoa Santa - Conceição do Mato Dentro - Diamantina
367920 Kuhlmann, M. s.n. 1948-04-06
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga
367312 Carvalho, A.M. 4388 1994-02-14
Brazil, Bahia, 14,7 km SW of Olivença on the road to Vila Brasil., -14.981944 -39.088333, 92m
367213 Hatschbach, G. 33540 1973-12-15
Brazil, Paraná, Serra de São Luis, -25.5 -49.666667, 1099m
367919 Kuhlmann, M. s.n. 1949-05-02
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, Proximidades da cerca, muito comum.
367094 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2384 1976-04-22
Brazil, Bahia, 39 km NW of Una.
367587 Sarahyba, L.S. 1060 1994-02-26
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima, -22.383333 -42.416667, 1023m
367095 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2400 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una-Olivença, 20 km N of Una
367110 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2272 1974-11-29
Brazil, Amapá, Serra do Navio, Region of Serra do Navio, Serra do Veado, ca. 23 km on road from Serra do Navio to Araguarí river.
367048 Carvalho, A.M. 4396 1994-02-20
Brazil, Bahia, Conjunto (Fazenda) Santa Fé, Morro Correa above the fazenda, entrance to fazenda at 1,4 km NW of Inema, -14.533333 -39.466667, 208m
367924 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2367 1976-04-07
Brazil, Bahia, 23 km N of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101, Faz. Macedônia.
367667 Guilherme, F.A.G. 178 1998-12-20
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Parque Florestal Quedas do Rio Bonito
363726 Thomas, W. Wayt 11838 1999-01-27
Brazil, Bahia, 6 km W of Almadina on road to Ibitupã, then 7 km N to the community of Sete Paus at the headwaters of the Rio Almada., -14.733333 -39.7, 436m
367118 Correia, C. M. B. s.n. 1990-08-10
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Dist. Macaé de Cima, Rio Macaé, Sítio Fazenda Velha. &nf;Parcela II, microparcela 6B, ind. 4124, -22.458333 -43.538889, 711m
367163 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2031 1968-01-11
Brazil, Bahia, Km 5 rodovia Lages-Ubaitaba, lado norte., -14.309167 -39.325, 46m
367107 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2372 1976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, 16 km N of Apuarema on road Apuarema - Jaguaquara
367172 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2278 1974-12-01
Brazil, Amapá, Serra do Navio, about 300 m from the left bank of the Araguaí River.
367909 Sendulsky, Tatiana s.n. 1991-11-00
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, Reserva Biológica, Ibt.
367021 Negrelle, R A307 1992-08-21
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Reserva Volta Velha. Beira da trilha
367535 Vilela, E.A. s.n. 1991-04-03
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Fazenda Patrimônio - Madre de Deus, mata ciliar
36504 Hoehne, F.C. s.n. 1936-10-06
Brazil, São Paulo, Alto da Serra
367921 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 2231 1976-05-27
Brazil, Bahia, 15 km from Una on road to Santa Luzia do Salobro.
367924A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2367 1976-04-07
Brazil, Bahia, 23 km N of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101, Faz. Macedônia.
367323 Carvalho, A.M. 4363 1994-02-05
Brazil, Bahia, 5.4 km southwest of Olivença, road Olivença-Vila Brasil., -14.95 -39.166667, 74m
367916 Kuhlmann, M. 15 1948-04-06
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga
367215 Clark, Lynn G. 1023 1992-02-16
Brazil, São Paulo, Road Sete Barras to S. Miguel Arcanjo, 30 km from BR-116., -24.216667 -47.916667, 28m
367910 Sendulsky, Tatiana s.n. 1971-12-12
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, PEFI, Reserva Biológica
367217 Soderstrom, Thomas R. 1947 1972-04-19
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Serra da Mendanha, Guanabara., -22.85 -43.533333, 29m
367096 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2399 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una - Olivença (Estrada de Pontal), 19 km N of Una
367179 Carvalho, A.M. 4377 1994-02-10
Brazil, Bahia, Serra dos Quatis, Ridge, entrance to the Fazenda below the Serra at 8.5 km from BR-101 along S. José - Una road, -15.096944 -39.297222, 359m
367104 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2217 1972-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Fazenda Ventania: ca. 15 km N of Itapebi city., -15.816667 -39.558333, 303m
367313 Carvalho, A.M. 4387 1994-02-14
Brazil, Bahia, 5.4 km southwest of Olivença, road Olivença - Vila Brasil, -14.964167 -39.113333, 139m
367100 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2488 1979-02-27
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una -Olivença, CEPLAC's Forestal Reserve ""Lemos Maia"". Ca. 7 km from Una.
373316 Clark, Lynn G. 1026 1992-02-16
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Serra de Paranapiacaba, SP-139, 65 km from BR-116 on road from Sete Barras to São Miguel Arcanjo, -24.083333 -47.983333, 819m
367310 Carvalho, A.M. 4378 1994-02-10
Brazil, Bahia, Serra dos Quatis, Ridge, entrance to the fazenda below the Serra at 8.5 km from BR-101 along S. José-Una road., -15.096944 -39.297222, 359m
373302 Clark, Lynn G. 1065 1992-03-04
Brazil, São Paulo, Serra da Bocaina, Campos da Bocaina, about 2 km below Pousada Joaninha, -22.75 -44.783333, 1606m
367101 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2355 1976-03-16
Brazil, Amazonas, Banks of the Rio Negro near its confluence with the Rio Solimões, by the refinery in Manaus.
367112A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2364 1976-04-06
Brazil, Bahia, 23 km N of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101, Faz. Macedonia
367037 Clark, Lynn G. 1184 1994-01-19
Brazil, São Paulo, Mata da Fazenda Santa Teresa near the Instituto Agronômico., -21.166667 -47.833333, 539m
367171 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2401 1976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una - Olivença, 3 km N of Una
367917 Kuhlmann, M. s.n. 1948-03-16
Brazil, São Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga
366701 Thomas, W. Wayt 11800 1998-02-10
Brazil, Bahia, Serra do Teimoso, 7.5 km N of Jussari on road to Palmira, then 45 min. walk W to reserva da Fazenda Teimoso., -15.166667 -39.583333, 281m
367911A Kuhlmann, M. 3151 1948-04-29
Brazil, São Paulo, Estação Experimental
367040 Clark, Lynn G. 1187 1994-01-19
Brazil, São Paulo, Mata da Fazenda Santa Teresa near the Instiuto Agronômico. Collected about 300m down the road from LC & AS 1186., -21.166667 -47.833333, 539m
367668 Guilherme, F.A.G. 176 1998-02-18
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Fazenda Patrimônio - Madre de Deus
373305 Clark, Lynn G. 1031 1992-02-18
Brazil, Santa Catarina, PArque Ecológico Spitzkopf, trail to the peak, -27.033333 -49.133333, 629m
373193 Braga, J.M.A. 7238 2003-10-29
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Parque Municipal Ecológico da Prainha, morro da Boa Vista.
367896 Clark, Lynn G. 1177 1994-01-17
Brazil, São Paulo, Instituto Agronômico, Mata Santa Elisa. Disturbed forest remnant near the river on the grounds of the Institute, -22.9 -47.066667, 671m
367161 Santos, Talmon S. dos 3881 1983-10-18
Brazil, Bahia, Road from São José to Una, 8 km E of turnoff from BR101 near Buararema.
367318A Calderón, Cleofé E. 2359 1976-04-05
Brazil, Bahia, 23 km N of Ibirataia, on side road conecting with BR 101, Faz. Macedonia
367088 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2485 1979-02-25
Brazil, Bahia, Road Una - Olivença, 28 km N of Una, passing the Maroin river
367170 Calderón, Cleofé E. 2019 1967-12-29
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Parque Lagem.