Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Brazil; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2140

Missouri Botanical Garden

2978023Calderón, Cleofé E.   22261972-04-18
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ibirataia: Rd. Ba 2: 7 km N of Ibirataia City: Fazenda Santo Antonio., -13.93333 -39.63333, 179m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2978028Kubitzki, Klaus   1891979-09-08
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Igarapé Piraiahuara, tributary of the lower Curicuriary, cachoeira do Botu.

2977995Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21711976-04-28
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Ubaira: ca 3 km east of Ubaira on road to Mutuípe. Open woodland on slope, diffuse light, leafmold on sandy soil. Some Bromeliaceae, Anthurium, hardly andy epiphytes but many Bambusoideae (Piresia, Raddie, Streptochaeta).

2977973Thomas, W. Wayt   104011994-02-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Urucuca. 6.5 km north of Serra Grande on road to Itacaré. Disturbed southern Bahian wet forest., -14.42333 -39.06055, 141m

Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Chase
2977918Calderón, Cleofé E.   21651972-03-13
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itabuna: Ferradas: Faz. Aberta Grande, 14 Km SW of Itabuna., -14.85 -39.33333, 63m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977851Edith L. Taylor   12401983-04-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Municipio de Carolina; Transamazonian Highway, BR230 and BR010; Pedra Caida, 35 km. N of Carolina. High plain with serras (mesas) and intersected by stream. Cerrado vegetation, seasonally dry, on sandy soil. Edge of Rio Pedra Caida, sandy site., -7.133333 -47.416667, 384m

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
2977833Calderón, Cleofé E.   20581968-01-26
Brazil, Pará, Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mara da A.P.E.G, "" terra firme"". Crece el bosque primario, en lugares abiertos y sombreados.

Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Chase
2977828Calderón, Cleofé E.   22621972-05-11
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Itajú do Colônia: Road Santa Cruz da Vitória Itajú do Colônia: 18 km N.W. of Itajú do Colôia., -15.01666 -39.8, 239m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977818Alencar, Lúcia   4441979-07-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Along Rio Marié, at Marauná; campina., 0.66666 -66.75, 101m

2977802Amorim, André M.   5371992-06-12
Brazil, Bahia, Município de Barreiras. Estrada para Brasília, BR-242. Coletas entre 20 a 22 Km a partir da sede município. Cerrado.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977693Huber, Otto   107101985-07-00
Brazil, Amazonas, Municipio Barcelos: campina en la región alta del Río Jauarí (afluente del Río Aracá, llamado Rio Cuieiras en los mapas RADAM), aprox. 15 km al NW de la punta SW de la Serra Aracá., 0.81666 -63.33333, 71m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977728Alencar, Lúcia   5831979-07-12
Brazil, Amazonas, Along Rio Curicuriari and Igarapé Cariua to Cachoeira Piraiauara; igapó nd caatinga., 0.33333 -66.91666, 114m

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
2977666Soderstrom, Thomas R.   12001966-12-14
Brazil, Pará, Belém. Abundant on sloping soil in dense shade, always in places with good drainage. Commonly found with Selaginella stellata Spring.

Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Chase
2977626Soderstrom, Thomas R.   22051976-05-12
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Porto Seguro: Fazenda Nini, old cacao plantation with sandy soil near Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal, located 14 km east of BR 101 at a point 13 km nort of Itamarajú. Common in shade of Marantaceae and other herbaceous plants that grow under old cacao trees. At 3:30-4:00 p.m, when plants collected, they were already exhibiting sleep movements, the blades closing upward.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977574Mori, Scott A.   143391981-06-11
Brazil, Bahia, Municipality of Lencois, vicinity of Lencois, 2-5 km N of Lecois on trail to Barro Branco.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977569Alvarenga, D   7371991-02-20
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Mun. de Alto Paraiso, es trada Alto Paraiso/Nova Roma, adjacendias da ponte sobre o Ribeirão São Ricando.

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
2977509Soderstrom, Thomas R.   11911966-12-13
Brazil, Pará, Belém. Common. Usually in semi-sun but not extreme shade of forest.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977425Martinelli, Gustavo   123191987-12-06
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Obidos, campos de Ariramba, campinas e matas de galeria, próximo do rio Jara macarú.

2977424Cid Ferreira, C.A.   14781980-07-13
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Oriximiná rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineracão Santa Patricia. Mata de terra firme, solo argilo so úmido.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977399Ghillean T. Prance   0341986-04-21
Brazil, Amazonas, Campo Amélia (Faz. Belo Horizonte), entre ig. Acajatuba e margem direita do rio Negro. Extenso campo graminoso na terra firme; solo argiloso, impermeável., -3.03333 -60.58333, 2773m

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
2977404Soderstrom, Thomas R.   11991966-12-13
Brazil, Pará, Belém. Abundante locally in leaf mold, in shade.

Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Chase
2977365Calderón, Cleofé E.   21761972-03-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itacaré: Agua Fria: Faz. As Almas, 19 KM SE of Ubaitaba., -14.35 -39.26666, 195m

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
2977312Calderón, Cleofé E.   22691974-11-27
Brazil, Pará, Region of Jari (tributary of Amazon River). Strada Peláo, 49 km west of Monte Dounedo. Dense, tall, primary forest.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977265Ghillean T. Prance   294461985-07-10
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Cuieiras (Jauari) at foot of Serra Aracá. Forest beside black water river., 0.8 -63.35, 76m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977279Irwin, Howard S.   140521966-03-18
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Cliff face, Côrrego Alogado, Parque Municipal do Gama, ca. 30 km. S.W. of Brasília.

2977222Calderón, Cleofé E.   20651968-02-03
Brazil, Pará, Belém; I.P.E.A.N, mata da Utinga.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977180Chase, Agnes   102901929-12-23
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Metallurgica, Serra de Ouro Branco.

2977153Cid Ferreira, C.A.   14781980-07-13
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Oriximiná rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineracão santa Patricia. Mata de terra firme, solo argilo so úmido.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2977167Marina L. Fonseca   18221988-05-08
Brazil, Goiás, Municipio de Niquelândia; ca. 4 km. de Muquêm; Vegetacão: Orla de mata ciliar; Solo: pedregoso; Relevo: ondulado. Fikga Yryacú SD 22-Z-B., -14.52055 -48.15222, 539m

2977082Calderón, Cleofé E.   27731979-07-06
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho Highway, 40 km N. of Porto Velho.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976995Irwin, Howard S.   234811969-02-18
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Espinhaco. Sandstone gorge with steep slopes, supporting cerrado and low woods, ca. 5 km north of Grão Mogol.

2976895Calderón, Cleofé E.   22151972-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itapebi: Fazenda Ventania: ca. 15 km North of Itapebi City. Along stream growing with ferns at the edge of the water between rocks in very little soil, in the shade. Very delicate plants, most of them very small, like a Raddiella; growing in the same area 2 other species of Raddia., -15.81666 -39.55, 275m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976846Ghillean T. Prance   50051968-06-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Urubu. Serra da Lua, Rio Urubu between Cachoeira Iracema and Natal.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976821Chase, Agnes   91951925-03-28
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Cipó (110 km northeast of Bello Horizonte).

2976820Soderstrom, Thomas R.   22151976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Itacaré: 5 km s.w. of Itacaré and 25 km e. of Taboquinhas. Forest of tall trees, semi-open, with thick layer of leafmold and good mixture of herbaceous plants such as sedges, Bambusoideae, marantaceae.

2976803Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21671976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Ubaira: 2 km east of Ubaira on road to Mutuipe. Forested slopes above rocky stream in Fazenda Pindoba de Dentro.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976702Calderón, Cleofé E.   20711968-02-10
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Vigia; Campinha do Palha, ca. 6 km antes de llegar a Vigia.

2976647Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21721976-04-28
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Ubaira: ca. 3 km east of Ubaira on road to Mutuipe. Open woodland on slope, diffuse light, leafmold on sandy soil. Some Bromeliaceae, Anthurium, hardly any epiphytes but many Bambusoideae (Piresia, Raddia, Streptochaeta).

2976628Calderón, Cleofé E.   22301972-04-20
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Wenceslau Guimarães ex Nilo Pecanha: Ramal da Faz. Bom Sosego, ca. 7 km N of Gandú City: Faz. Oriental ca., -13.7 -39.5, 222m

2976609Chase, Agnes   79591924-12-17
Brazil, Bahia, All sterile. Jungly, rocky cliff, in mold. Above the Repreza. Itumerim, Serra do Espinhaço.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976580Ghillean T. Prance   58871968-07-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Vicinity of Abunã. Savanna forest on periodically flooded ground.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976581Ghillean T. Prance   32981966-11-25
Brazil, Amazonas, Municipality of Humaitá, Rio Madeira. Road Humaitá to Labrea, km. 60. Between Rios Ipixuna and Itaparana. Campina with shrubby vegetation.

2976466Calderón, Cleofé E.   23601976-04-05
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ibirataia, 23 km n of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101, Faz. Macedonia.

2976381Soderstrom, Thomas R.   18581972-02-29
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Cosme Velho toward corcovado (Morro Novo Mundo). Abundant on steep slopes in most densely shaded areas of forest, with many seedlings present.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976364Ghillean T. Prance   85871968-11-18
Brazil, Rondônia, Basin of Rio Madeira; km 217-9 Madeira-Mamoré railroad 2-4 km. east of Abunã. Savanna.

2976335MORI   115791979-03-15
Brazil, Bahia, Rodovia BA- 265, trecho Caatiba/ Barra do Choça, a 6 km a W de Caatiba. Região de Mata Mesofila Sul Baiana. Mata parcialmente perturbada.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976318Harley, R.M.   157461974-01-31
Brazil, Bahia, 16 km. N. of Barra da Estiva on the Paraguacu road. Burnt-over grassland and low woodland on sand with laterite. This plant growing in shade and forming ground cover in low shrubby woodland., -13.33333 -41.33333, 1070m

2976230Calderón, Cleofé E.   21771972-03-18
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itacaré: 7 km SW of Itacaré City., -14.28333 -39.05, 92m

2976119Calderón, Cleofé E.   21781972-03-19
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itacaré: Jeribucacú River: Hydroelectric plant, 12 km SW of Itacaré City., -14.31666 -39.1, 14m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2976081Anderson, William R.   89221973-04-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, 3.5 km by road SW of Rio Jequití and Mendanha; dense woods on hillside interrupted by quartizite rocks.

2976045Chase, Agnes   84031925-02-09
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Dry brushy slope, summit of Morro do Urco. Pão de Assucar.

Raddia stolonifera R.P.Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner
2976044Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21331976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, About 19 km north of Itapebí on BR101. Rocky base of hill next to stream in shade of forest with fine, sandy soil. Small stoloniferous fernlike grasses growing in leaf littler among rocks at edge of stream.

2975984Calderón, Cleofé E.   21811972-03-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Aurelino Leal (formerly Mun. Itacaré): Rd. Ubaitaba - Lage do Banco: Faz. Santa maria, 12 km SW of Ubaitaaba., -14.33333 -39.4, 79m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975974Pires, João Murça   522331962-07-20
Brazil, Amapá, Coastal Region. Infrequent in open rocky savanna, road to Amapa, km 110, Igarape do Paia.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975936Filgueiras, Tarciso S.   36182000-08-20
Brazil, Goiás, GO. Alto Paraíso. ca. de 05 km ao norte da cidade em direco a Cavalcante. Vegetacão: Mata de galeria.

2975904Calderón, Cleofé E.   22161972-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Itapebi: Fazenda Ventania: ca. 15 km North of Itabepi City. Along stream, abundant forming a cover on shady, big rocks with little soil. Growing in the same area 2 other species of Raddia., -15.81666 -39.55, 275m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975845Chase, Agnes   92571925-03-28
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Cipó (110 km. northeast of Bello Horizonte).

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975750Anderson, William R.   72491973-03-16
Brazil, Goiás, Chapada dos Veadeiros, 13 km by road S of Terezina; cerrado on hillside, grassy campo with scattered trees, and shrubby woods along river.

2975736Calderón, Cleofé E.   22481972-04-29
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ubaíra: 6 km East of ubaíra city: Rio Jequiricá., -13.26666 -39.61666, 386m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975720Anderson, William R.   98851973-05-07
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Ca. 5 km N of Barra do Garcas; south face of mountain; mesophytic woods and sandstone faces along stream and near waterfall, and cerrado on drier slopes above.

2975701Chase, Agnes   111271930-03-03
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Dry wooded slope, plentiful but mostly sterile. Urucúm. Corumbá on Rio Paraguay.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975656Irwin, Howard S.   249211969-03-22
Brazil, Goiás, Chapada dos Veadeiros; Gallery forest and adjacent campo ca. 10 km south of Alto do Paraíso (formerly Veadeiros).

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975596Amaral, Ieda L. do   8061983-04-19
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Municipio de Colider, estrada Santarem-Cuiabá, BR 163, km 762, a 30 km de Guarantan, Serra do Cachimbo. Mata de cerrado, solo pedregoso, vegetacão rupestre., -9.58333 -54.91666, 445m

2975618Calderón, Cleofé E.   24091976-05-07
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Esplanada, 19 km N of Esplanada city on road to Jaquera, near intersection with BR 101, east side. In dense forest of tall trees on sandy soil; very dark primary forest. Abundant throughout the forest, in some places forming a continuous carpet. Most plants rather young and in flower. In some places growing with Olyra sp. and Streptogyna americana.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975570Calderón, Cleofé E.   29091979-08-02
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Urubú, between intersection with Manaus - Caracaraí Road and Serra da Lua.

2975553Calderón, Cleofé E.   22551972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Jaguaquara: 6 km East of Jaguaquara City: Fazenda Mundo Novo., -13.54166 -39.91666, 771m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975449Cid Ferreira, C.A.   54591985-04-13
Brazil, Amazonas, Mun. de Humaitá, BR 230. Rod. Transamazônica a 94 km de Humaitá, reserva indígena dos Tenharim. Campina aberta, solo arenoso branco., -6.91666 -62.25, 64m

2975403de F. Agra, M.   49921998-02-07
Brazil, Paraíba, Municipio de Maturéla. Pico do Jabre. Vegetação arbustivo-arbórea, semicaducifolia, subxerofitica., -7.186111 -37.431389, 467m

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975290Anderson, William R.   66041973-03-07
Brazil, Goiás, Ca. 3 km E of Alto Paraiso on road to Nova Roma; mesophytic forest along river and drier hillside with cerrado above the river.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975204Hamilton   2411994-04-26
Brazil, Goiás, Margem Direita do Rio Corumba; Proximo ao Eixo da Barra Gem em frente a S.O.1.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975201Chase, Agnes   115101930-03-23
Brazil, Goiás, Vicinity of Goiabeira, between Annapolis and Goyaz capital, Goyaz.

2975198Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21251976-04-06
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Camacã: 12km east of Camacã on road to Canavieiras. Disturbed tall forest with shrub vegetation at edge of Rio Belém. Common short-rhizomatous plants in shade of shrubs forming local colonies; in some cases long stolons or rhizomes formed--at least extra long decumbent culms--that aid plant in extending itself and reproducing vegetatively. None in flower.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
2975022Irwin, Howard S.   145191966-04-07
Brazil, Goiás, Posse, Cerrado, Rio da prata, ca. 6 km. S. of Posse, Goiás., -14.133333 -46.35, 803m

2974902Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21111976-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, Municipio Itajú do Colónia: Fazenda Uruguayana and vicinity, 8 kms south of Santa Cruz da Vitória. Mata Cipó: open forest with many climbing plants and shrubby vegetation on sandy soil, with spiny plants such as cacti, shrubby Mimosoideae, Maranaceae, Anthurrium, Cryptanthus, and bambusoid grasses of the Raddia line. Vegetation dries out but revives quickly by rains; flowering time Sept. through Dec. Common on slopes above stream.

2968484Calderón, Cleofé E.   23401976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms. Boca do Tejo, at Rio Juruá., -8.56666 -72.31666, 283m

Eremocaulon asymmetricum (Soderstr. & Londoño) Londoño
2968399Calderón, Cleofé E.   23891976-04-24
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una, road Una-Olivenca, 12 km N of Una, Faz. de Clovis de Matos Piris.

Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga
2967314Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21361976-04-09
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio Belmonte: Between Itapebí and Belmonte, sandy forest 10-12 km east of the Estaçao Experimental of CEPLAC. Locally common grasses in sandy soil (almost pure white sand).

Parodiolyra micrantha
2965261Barbosa, E.L.   4952000-09-05
Brazil, Paraná, Colonia Quintilha (Mun. Matinhos).

Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga
2964316Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21621976-04-25
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio Valença: ca. 18 km west of Valença on road to Zona Orobó. Capoeira. Several plants found only in one area near edge of disturbed forest.

Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga
2963827Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21891976-05-07
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio Porto Seguro: Reserva Biológica do Pau Brasil (CEPLAC). Primary hygrophilic forest with tall trees, densely shaded. Scattered throughout the forest especially abundant inclearings. Very common, the underground system cespitose-appearing, not a long-lived rhizomatous type.

Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga
2963358Soderstrom, Thomas R.   22161976-05-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio Itacaré: capoeira on white sand, ca. 3 km west of Itacaré.

2957414Soderstrom, Thomas R.   11781964-11-18
Brazil, NULL, Guanabara: Silvestre Corcovado, above Río de Janeiro. Growing on steep, rocky forest slopes in wet leaf litter ecposed to full sun for part of the day.

2957368Thomas, W. Wayt   98891993-05-12
Brazil, Bahia, Belmonte, Barrolândia, Estacão Experimental ""Gregorio Bondar"" CEPLAC, 48 km east of BR 101 on road to Belmonte., -16.133333 -39.25, 106m

2957317Záchia, Renato A.   7661992-01-13
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Nonoai, Estrada P/Pianalto E. Encruzinada. Banhado em beira do mato sendo cortados e levados por indios.

2957129Thomas, W. Wayt   113981996-11-24
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Reserva Biologica de Una. Picada do Marimbondo., -15.166667 -39.066667, 42m

2956931Thomas, W. Wayt   114001996-11-24
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Una: Reserva Biologica de Una. Picada do Marimbondo., -15.166667 -39.066667, 42m

Merostachys pluriflora Munro ex E.G.Camus
2956882Sendulsky, Tatiana   s.n.1971-12-12
Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo, Capital, Reserva Biológica, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga.

Merostachys ternata Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
2956646Calderón, Cleofé E.   22601972-05-10
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, 12 km N.E. of Ibirataia city: road connecting with Br. 101 road. [Ca. ±+\- 14¼ S, 39¼36'W.], -14 -39.6, 373m

2956579Mori, Scott A.   94171978-03-04
Brazil, Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, Km 2 da Rodovia BA-265, trecho Vit. da Conquista/Barra do Choça. Margen da Rodovia. Região de Mata de Cipó.

2956472Calderón, Cleofé E.   23871976-04-23
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una, road from Una to São José do Macuco, 19 Km NW of Colonia de Una. Abundant in forest on gentle slope, forming large clumps.

Merostachys tatianae Santos-Gonç., Carv.-Okano & Filg.
2956433Ezechias P. Heringer   150171975-09-17
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Marliéria, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce. On peninsula at Lake Helvécio., -19.766667 -42.6, 289m

2956355Calderón, Cleofé E.   22571972-05-08
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Jaguaquara: Riacho de Ouro: 22 km S.E. of Jaguaquara City., -13.633333 -39.866667, 679m

Merostachys ternata Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
2956356Soderstrom, Thomas R.   22301976-05-27
Brazil, Bahia, Una, 9 km from Una on the road to Santa Luzia do Salobro.

2956119Cornelis C. Berg   5461977-10-15
Brazil, Pará, Serra dos Carajás, Serra Norte, 5 km NE of AMZA Exploration Camp., -6 -50, 386m

2956102Andrade, P.M.   198361991-01-22
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Res. Biol. Mata do Jambreiro/Nova Lima. Area I.

2956016Calderón, Cleofé E.   23791976-04-13
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, Ca. 9.5 km SE of Jaguaquara, Faz. Mundo Novo.

2956001Anderson, William R.   360121972-02-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Espinhaço. Valley ca. 5km SSE of Pico do Itambé; grassy, cut-over hillsides with streams among shrubs and trees, and blocky sandstone outcrops.

Merostachys ternata Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
2955894Calderón, Cleofé E.   23581976-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, 23 km N of Ibirataia on side road connectin with BR-101, Fazenda Macedonia.

2955835Ghillean T. Prance   289831984-02-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Plateau of northern massif of Serra Araca. South side of North Mountain., 0.85 -63.35, 517m

Lithachne pauciflora (Sw.) P.Beauv.
2955790Chase, Agnes   119941930-04-12
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Between Rondonopolis and São Lourenço. Sandy humus, floor of matta., -16.33333 -54.5, 311m

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2140


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