Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Brazil; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 2140

Missouri Botanical Garden

1812935Calderón, Cleofé E.   20251968-01-03
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Estado da Guanabara: Rio de Janeiro; Stada da Gávea, próximo a São João

1813094Balée, W.L.   25071986-06-13
Brazil, Pará, Xingu River. Assurini Indians

1812966Nee, Michael H.   345461987-03-29
Brazil, Rondônia, Mun. Costa Marques; ca. 5 km NW of Costa marques. Mixed tall and medium forest on hill, with coarse granitic rock outcrops and boulders, evidence of ground fires, -12.41666 -64.23333, 206m

1812933Calderón, Cleofé E.   20331968-01-11
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Ubaitaba: km 5 Rodovía Lages-Ubaitaba, lado norte, -14.30916 -39.325, 46m

1813291Douglas C. Daly   1661980-09-21
Brazil, Maranhão, Disturbed forest S of Fazenda Guarany, km 133 of Br 316, -2.76666 -45.71666, 52m

1812815Silva, Nilo T.   16401969-01-16
Brazil, Amazonas, Estrada do Munguba. Mata de terra firme

1813128Calderón, Cleofé E.   22721974-11-29
Brazil, Amapá, Region of Serra do Navio, ca. 23 km on road from Serra do Navio to Araguari River. Growing near the river along small stream

1813029Ghillean T. Prance   102171969-02-25
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Demeni, vicinity of Tototobí. Varzea forest

1812930Calderón, Cleofé E.   21671972-03-14
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ilhéus: Castelo Novo, Faz. Santa Rita, Km 4 Rd. Castelo Novo-Ilhéus. Open forest on gentle slopes, rather dry soil, -14.6 -39.18333, 20m

1812813Bahia, TR   911976-06-05
Brazil, NULL, Estrada Manaus-Porto Velho-Proj. RADAM

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
1812767Soderstrom, Thomas R.   21971976-05-11
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Porto Seguro: Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal, located 14 km E of BR 101 at a point 13 km N of Itamarajú. Primary forest with very tall trees

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813332Filgueiras, Tarciso S.   231?1992-05-02
Brazil, Goiás, Parque Nacional das Emas, a 1 km de la casa sede, en mata ciliar pantanosa

1812811Harley, R.M.   171871974-03-19
Brazil, Bahia, Pau Brasil Biological Reserve, 17 km west from Porto Seguro on road to Eunapolis. Coastal rain forest, -16.41666 -39.2, 3m

1812546Chase, Agnes   87491925-03-06
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lavras; in brush edge of swamp

1813089Thomas, W. Wayt   60761988-02-22
Brazil, Espírito Santo, Mun. Linhares, 8 km W of Linhares on raod to Colatina (on north side of Río Doce). Disturbed evergreen moist foerst, -19.36666 -40.11666, 35m

1812888Calderón, Cleofé E.   22781974-12-01
Brazil, Amapá, Amapa, region of Serra do Navio, about 300 m. from the left bank of the Araguari River. Growing in very wet, dense forest, 150-180 m. high. Forest flooded about 1-1.5 m. by water, vegetation leaning over

1813123Calderón, Cleofé E.   20231967-12-31
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Teresópolis. Crece en lugares oscuros dentro del bosque

1812544Chase, Agnes   104691930-01-01
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Buritys, near Rio São Francisco; woods above streamlet

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813330Ghillean T. Prance   590921964-09-25
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Vicinity of Chavantina. Margin of Rio Mortes. Gallery forest

Aulonemia effusa (Hack.) McClure
1812764Eiten, George   110431969-03-11
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Mpio. de Jaboticatubas: Serra do Cipó (along road from village of Almeida to city of Conceição do Mato Dentro). At km 128, or 1 km along road north of ""Palácio""., -19.283333 -43.55, 1132m

1813087Jangoux, Jacques   4141978-12-12
Brazil, Maranhão, Alzilândia, Rio Pindaré., -3.75 -46.08333, 50m

1812541Chase, Agnes   91361925-03-23
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Cipó (110 km NE of Bello Horizone). Near Vaccaria

1812537Macedo, Amaro   21961950-03-25
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Mun. Ituritabu

1812808Hill, Steven R.   128061983-06-23
Brazil, Amazonas, 15 km E of Borba; region of the rio Madeira; Munic. Borba, -4.38333 -59.58333, 23m

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
1812761Calderón, Cleofé E.   22231972-04-17
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ibirataia: Rd. Ba 2: 7 km N of Ibirataia City; Fazenda Santo Antonio, -13.93333 -39.63333, 179m

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813328Ghillean T. Prance   591081964-09-25
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Vicinity of Chavantina. Margins of Rio Mortes. Gallery forest, -14.66722 -52.35, 271m

1812415Irwin, Howard S.   189521968-01-21
Brazil, Goiás, Creek margin. 75 km N of Corumbá de Goias on road to Niquelandia, Goias in valley of Rio Maranahao. Cerrado slope

1812846Pires, M.J.P.   7971986-02-27
Brazil, Pará, Mun. de Almeirim, Mte. Dourado, proximo a marina da balsa da SION em Munguba

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813327Irwin, Howard S.   145691966-04-09
Brazil, Goiás, Creek margin. Cerrado, Rio da Prata, vicinity of Posse

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813326Irwin, Howard S.   58731964-09-03
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Partial shade of gallery forest, Parque Municipal do Gama, ca. 20 km S of Brasilia

1812844Stevenson   8021987-10-22
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, 2 km north of Vista Alegre. Forested margin of sandy beach, 0.95 -67.25, 108m

Olyra taquara Swallen
1813325Guala II, Gerald F.   13291990-05-08
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Small mata 1 km at a bearing of 130¼ from the main entrance of the Reserva Ecologica do IBGE. Just S of BR-251. A dominant in and near running water, -16.000383 -48.000333, 1234m

1813118Calderón, Cleofé E.   20621968-01-29
Brazil, Pará, Belém, Belem. IPEAN, mata de APEG, ""terra firme.""

1812533Irwin, Howard S.   231431969-02-12
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Espinhaço. Wooded slopes and adjacent cerrado, ca. 10 km NE of Francisco Sá, road to Salinas

Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure
1812759Kummrow, R.   17041982-01-28
Brazil, Paraná, Mun. Morretes, Pilão de Pedra

1812499Gert G. Hatschbach   223401969-10-07
Brazil, Paraná, Mun. Ponta Grossa; Vila Velha. Interio do capão

1812410Irwin, Howard S.   118941966-01-21
Brazil, Goiás, Gallery forest, Serra Dourada, ca. 30 km SE of Goias Velho

1813082Gentry, Alwyn H.   205591977-11-23
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Javari; non-inundated disturbed forest behind village of Paumari (above Atalaia del Norte); scattered patches of white sand., -4.283333 -70.283333, 78m

1812804Ramos, José F.   P201311973-12-26
Brazil, Amazonas, INPA, Estrada do Aleixo, Km 3, Manaus, near tracking station. Low, secondary forest on white sand

1813117Calderón, Cleofé E.   21731972-03-15
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ilhéus: Lagos Itaípe (Lagos Encantada} at 1 km from the lake and 25 km SE of Uruçuca, -14.63333 -39.16666, 9m

1813081Lowrie, S.R.   731980-09-18
Brazil, Amazonas, Km 620 on Manaus-Humaitá road

1812803Schultes, Richard E.   26101a1972-04-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Vicinity of Manáos, Rio Negro. Grounds of INPA

Aulonemia amplissima (Nees) McClure
1812757Clark, Lynn G.   6651990-02-11
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Mun. Itamonte, boundary of Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, road to Pico das Agulhas Negras., -22.366667 -44.7, 2552m

1813080Chase, Agnes   110171930-02-18
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Vicinity of Dourados (22¼ South, 54¼ 40' West)

1812841Kuhlmann, João Geraldo   21281924-05-02
Brazil, Pará, Fabrica Mojú

1812237Hage, José L.   2101979-01-02
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Ilheus. Area do CEPEC (Centro de Pesq. do Cacau), km 22 rodovia Ilheus/Itabuna - BR-415. Região de Mata Higrofila Sul Baiana. Reserva Botanica

1812801Eduardo Lleras   P166091973-07-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé, IPEAAO Experimental Station. Open forest

1812755Thomas, W. Wayt   103701994-02-12
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Ilheus. 6.1 km west of Olivenca on road to Maruim. Restinga forest, somewhat disturbed, -14.977778 -39.035278, 92m

1812407Calderón, Cleofé E.   23821976-04-21
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una; Dark humid forest of large trees on steep, rocky slope of mixed, rich soil

1813079Vieira, G.   531979-09-22
Brazil, Amazonas, Estrada Humaita-Labrea. Mata de terra firme. Solo argiloso

1812324Ghillean T. Prance   586831964-08-12
Brazil, Pará, 50-65 km north of Gurupi, Belem-Brasilia. Forest

1812878Pires, João Murça   169061979-03-09
Brazil, Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Cachoeira Tocuxema. 63¼45'W

1812800DALY   72871991-11-10
Brazil, Acre, Xapuri. Rio Acre. Ca 3 hours by boat downstream from Xapuri and 1 hour walking inland from left bank. Trail through moist forest on relatively level terrain., -10.75 -68.33333, 226m

1812366Ghillean T. Prance   595891964-10-23
Brazil, Goiás, 50 km south of Caiaponia. Beside small creek

1812192Chase, Agnes   113181930-03-17
Brazil, Goiás, Between Viannapolis and Ponta Funda; dry steep densely wooded slope

1812753Calderón, Cleofé E.   24741978-02-02
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Una, road Una-Olivenca, 28 km north of Una City. Same locality as it was discovered in 1976. Probably type locality

1812057Adão Teixeira, L.O.   3101982-05-11
Brazil, Rondônia, Mpio. de Ariquemes, Mineracão Mibrasa, Setor Alto Candeias, km 128, sudoeste de Ariquemes. Mata na beira da estrada, -10.58333 -63.58333, 308m

1812145Oliveira, F.C.A.   9991997-11-21
Brazil, Goiás, Mpio. de Niquelandia. Fazenda Engenho, ca. de 11 km de Niquelandia/Dois Irmãos. Capão do Padre. Solo: argiloso/pedregoso. Relevo: ondulado, -14.64305 -48.48861, 685m

1812527Gerhard K. Gottsberger   31-241831983-01-24
Brazil, Pará, ""Reserva Florestal de Gorotire"" (Kayapó-Indian Reservation). Surroundings of gorotire village at río Fresco. Landscape with hills and mountains up to ca. 500 m alt. General vegetation consists of nonflooded and flooded primary and secondary forest, cerradão, cerrado, campo cerrado, as also plantations and abandoned fields, -7.78333 -51.11666, 254m

1812233MATTOS   15031982-02-16
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Ilheus. Rodovia Olivenca/Maroim, 12 km ao S. de Olivenca. Margem do rio Acuipe. Solo argiloso. Capoeira

1813076Philcox, D.   31151967-11-18
Brazil, Mato Grosso, KM 274 Xavanitina - Cachimbo road. Dry forest, cleared roadside. Expedition base camp: 12¼ 49' S, 51¼ 46' W.

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
1812751Eiten, George   2781977-01-11
Brazil, Pará, Mekronoti Indian village and vicinity. Region of continuous evergreen broadleaf tall forest. Virgin terra firma forest, -8.66666 -54.2, 334m

1812055Ghillean T. Prance   71701968-08-17
Brazil, Rondônia, Vicinity of Santa Barbara, 15 km east of Km 117. Roadside

1812799Adão Teixeira, L.O.   1131982-04-30
Brazil, Amazonas, Mpio. de Humaita, estrada Humaita-Porto Velho km 60. Capoeira de solo arenoso, -8.000283 -63.000937, 60m

1812491Mizoguchi, Keiichi   8731978-12-10
Brazil, São Paulo, Santa amalo, 47 km S from São Paulo City; in forest

1812750Santos, dos [TS?]   39141983-10-00
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. Ilheus, Estrada Ilheus, Serra Grande, km 34, Restinga arbórea. Growing in forest mixed with Alvimia, white sandy soil. Many new plants in the area, common

1812231Santos, Talmon S. dos   32231978-06-02
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Ilheus. Ramal que liga a Rod. Ilheus/Itabuna ao povoado de Japu, km 1. Proximo ao Rio Cachoeira. Capoeira

1813074Ghillean T. Prance   82461968-11-07
Brazil, Rondônia, Basin of Rio Madeira. 8 km NE of Porto Velho. Forest on terra firme

1812913Balée, W.L.   20831986-04-01
Brazil, Pará, Altamira: Igarapé Ipixuna, affluent of rio Xingu. 5 KM S of settlement, Araweté Indian Reserve. 4 year old swidden., -4.81666 -52.51666, 196m

1812188Chase, Agnes   115061930-03-23
Brazil, Goiás, Vicinity of Goiabeira, between Annapolis and Goyaz Capital

1812796Pires, João Murça   522641962-07-24
Brazil, Amapá, Common in savanna, road to Amapa, Km 134, Agua Azul

1812052Vieira, G.   4371979-01-14
Brazil, Rondônia, Mineracão Campo Novo BR-421 a 2 km a Oeste da Mineracão Campo Novo a 120 km de Ariquemes WSW, mata secundária, solo argiloso, -10.58333 -63.61666, 213m

1812795Pires, João Murça   520751962-07-10
Brazil, Amapá, Rare in capoeira, road to Amapa, vic. km 48

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
1812747Calderón, Cleofé E.   23531976-03-12
Brazil, Acre, Forest with many palms and no bamboos, slopes with rich herbaceous cover, including many bambusoid grasses, -8.9 -72.85, 269m

1812139Eiten, George   3738A1962-03-21
Brazil, Maranhão, Mun. de Lorêto: ""Ilha de Balsas"" region, between the Rios Balsas and Parnaiba. Ca. 100 m SE of main house of Fazenda ""Morros"", about 35 km S of Loreto. In semishade in young secondary gallery forest at head of brook ""Riacho da Atraca"". Soil brown clay with humus, -7.38333 -45.06666, 298m

1812793Santos, Reis dos    14641968-05-18
Brazil, Mato Grosso, 7 km N of the Base Camp of the Expedition. Ca. 270 km N of Xavantina, -12.9 -51.86666, 370m

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
1812746Calderón, Cleofé E.   22921976-03-01
Brazil, Acre, About 80 km from Rio Branco on road to Xapuri. Secondary forest with Inga, Mauritia, and bamboo

1812444Thomas, W. Wayt   49371986-06-05
Brazil, Rondônia, Porto Velho. Represa Samuel. 14 km E of dam on dike rd. then 2 km S on JL-7 rd. Terra firme forest, -8.76666 -63.43333, 103m

1812049Ghillean T. Prance   59731968-07-13
Brazil, Rondônia, Km. 214-215 Madeira-Mamoré railroad near Abuna. Savanna margins

1812183Irwin, Howard S.   190301968-01-22
Brazil, Goiás, Gallery margin; 75 km N of Corumbá de Goiás on road to Niquela, Goiás in valley of rio Maranhão. Gallery margin and cerrado

1812356Ezechias P. Heringer   68621981-04-15
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Parque do Gma, mata

1812791Sette Silva, E.L.   6881986-08-04
Brazil, Roraima, Mun. Boa Vista. Estrada para serra Grande. Solo arenoso, 2.66666 -60.33333, 106m

1812442Riedel, Ludwig   s.n.1811-00-00
Brazil, Bahia, In umbrosis

1812483Santos, Talmon S. dos   38811983-10-18
Brazil, Bahia, Mun. de Una; road from São José to Una, 8 km E of turn off from BR101 near Buararema. Small clumps in shaded forest

1812518Maas, Paul J.M.   31141977-10-08
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Corcovado, between Silvestre and Paineiras margin of forest

1812481Filgueiras, Tarciso S.   22521992-02-29
Brazil, Distrito Federal, APA da Cafuringa, -15.58333 -48, 1274m

1812134Mario Lobo   3231983-04-02
Brazil, Maranhão, Mun. Santa Luzia, Fazenda Agripec da Varig, margem esqueda do rio Pindaré, mata mexida de terra firme, solo arenoso, relevo ondulado

1812788Chase, Agnes   78781924-12-09
Brazil, Bahia, Brotas. Jungly border, clay hillside

1812439Filgueiras, Tarciso S.   19471989-11-09
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Mun. de Januária; morro calcáreo, ca. de 11 km de Januária

1812221Ghillean T. Prance   34591966-11-29
Brazil, Amazonas, Road Humaitá to Labrea, km 50. Disturbed ground beside road

Olyra humilis Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
1811784Lyman B. Smith   125291964-10-15
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Mun. Chapecó. Forest, west of Chapecó on road to Guatambu, -27.1 -52.66666, 600m

1812479Filgueiras, Tarciso S.   23371992-04-29
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Fazenda da Roca. Arinos

1812041Michael J.G. Hopkins   8531986-06-18
Brazil, Roraima, Ilha de Maracá, Mun. Alto Alegre. SEMA Estacão. Forest trails close to Estacão. Primary forest of sandy soil, canopy between 20 and 30 m, heavily dissected. Picada #1 at 2200 m. at edge of lake within forest, 3.36666 -61.33333, 85m

1812512Santos, J.U.   7121983-02-27
Brazil, Maranhão, Mun. de Tuntum; lugar Palmerinha, a 74 km de Tuntum. Mata de terra firme, solo pedregoso

1812436Irwin, Howard S.   131951966-02-27
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Forest shade. Gallery forest, ca. 10 km NW of Planaltina, D.F.

1812737Plowman, Timothy C.   100881980-04-12
Brazil, Bahia, Mpio. de Itacaré: Rodovia BA 654, km 6 ao oeste de Itacaré. Growing in margin of disturbed primary forest along logging road, -14.3 -39.03333, 68m

1812263Plowman, Timothy C.   94671980-03-02
Brazil, Pará, Paragominas, Along Belém-Brasília Highway (BR-010) , 17 km south of Ligação, near kilometer marker 1509., -4.283333 -47.533333, 247m

1812175Shunsuke Tsugaru   B-23911987-12-11
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Vicinity of Icara, Vira Nova, 100 km SSW from Florianopolis, along the Rt. BR-101. In light woods

1812348Secco, Ricardo S.   2751982-05-20
Brazil, Pará, Maraba, arredores da estrada p/N1, mata de terra firme, solo argiloso, dentro do acampamento da DOCEGEO.

1812129Eiten, George   106331970-02-15
Brazil, Maranhão, Mun. de Loreto: ""Ilha de Balsas"" region between the Balsas & Parnaíba rivers. Ca. 35 km S of Loreto; 1/2 km S of main house of Pazenda Morros. Gallery forest of the brook gully, Grota do Tucunzinho"", -7.38333 -45.06666, 298m

Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 2140


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