Search Results (List)

Dataset: INPA
Search Criteria: Brazil; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 875

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

20990Hopkins, Mike   68-1021968-03-18
Brazil, Amazonas, ""Rio Solimões, Costa do Catalão. Mata de várzea inundável periodicamente; solo argiloso, úmido.""

29336Hopkins, Mike   4391971-05-13
Brazil, Amazonas, Coari, ""Lugar Pera; capoeira, solo argiloso.""

35250Hopkins, Mike   4951972-02-23
Brazil, Amazonas, Coari, Lago do Coarí. Mata de terra firme, argilosa.

39213Hopkins, Mike   8721973-06-25
Brazil, Amazonas, ""Lago do Castanho-Mirim, estrada da Petrobrás; na margem da estrada; solo argiloso; úmido.""

29303Hopkins, Mike   4071971-05-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Coari, ""Lago Coarí, Castanhal Cáua; mata virgem de terra firme, argilosa, úmida.""

Parodiolyra micrantha
3773Hopkins, Mike   INPA37731956-04-24
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Estrada antiga de São Raimundo. T. firme, arenoso, campo.

787Hopkins, Mike   INPA7871955-02-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, ""Igarapé do Tarumã; terra úmida.""

967Hopkins, Mike   INPA9671955-04-15
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, ""Cachoeira do Tarumã; terra úmida.""

188788Hopkins, Mike   36951995-08-15
Brazil, Pernambuco, Cabo, Açude Gurjaú

188789Hopkins, Mike   70951995-08-16
Brazil, Pernambuco, Cabo, Açude Gurjaú

3121Hopkins, Mike   INPA31211955-12-16
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, ""Estrada antiga de S. Raimundo. Capoeira fechada; solo arenoso.""

106707Hopkins, Mike   3241982-11-04
Brazil, Amazonas, Maraã, Rio Japurá, margem esquerda, próximo a Sede do Município. Mata de terra firme, solo argilo-arenoso.

107093Hopkins, Mike   7081982-12-11
Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé, Rio Solimões, margem direita, lago de Tefé. Mata de terra firme, solo argilo-arenoso.

Parodiolyra luetzelburgii (Pilg.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga
112203Hopkins, Mike   8151983-04-19
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Colider, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 762, a 30 Km de Guarantan, Serra do Cachimbo. Mata de cerrado, solo pedregoso, vegetação rupestre., -9.583333 -54.92, 457m

107144Hopkins, Mike   7591982-12-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé, ""Rio Solimões, margem direita, cabeceira do lago Tefé. Mata de igapó, solo arenoso; perene em terra firme.""

Raddiella molliculma (Swallen) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
112274Hopkins, Mike   8831983-04-22
Brazil, Pará, Itaituba, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 771, próximo a divisão Pará-MT. Mata de cerrado, solo pedregoso, vegetação rupestre., -9.583333 -54.58, 414m

Raddiella malmeana (Ekman) Swallen
112463Hopkins, Mike   10721983-05-02
Brazil, Pará, Itaituba, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR-163, km 877, Serra do Cachimbo, Cachoeira da Luz, rio Curuá, margem esquerda. Vale, solo pedregoso com uma vegetação de árvores baixas.

112803Hopkins, Mike   14121983-05-22
Brazil, Pará, Itaituba, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 1222 a 1227. Mata alta de terra firme, solo argilo-arenoso., -5.916667 -55.67, 219m

112468Hopkins, Mike   10771983-05-02
Brazil, Pará, Itaituba, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 877, Serra do Cachimbo, Cachoeira da Luz, rio Curuá, margem esquerda. Vale, solo pedregoso com uma vegetação de árvores baixas.

Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E.Calderón ex Soderstr.
112194Hopkins, Mike   8061983-04-19
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Colider, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 762, a 30 Km de Guarantan, Serra do Cachimbo. Mata de cerrado, solo pedregoso, vegetação rupestre., -9.583333 -54.92, 457m

Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
112769Hopkins, Mike   13781983-05-21
Brazil, Pará, Itaituba, Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, Km 1221, próximo a uma piçarreira. Mata alta de terra firme, solo arenoso., -5.916667 -55.67, 219m

142436Hopkins, Mike   INPA1424361978-00-00
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, BR174, km 44, EEST, Estrada Manaus-Caracaraí, Reserva Biológica do INPA.

Cryptochloa capillata (Trin.) Soderstr.
142482Hopkins, Mike   INPA1424821978-00-00
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, BR174, km 44, EEST, Estrada Manaus-Caracaraí, Reserva Bilógica do INPA.

Olyra tamanquareana Soderstr. & Zuloaga
142486Hopkins, Mike   INPA1424861978-00-00
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, BR174, km 44, EEST, Estrada Manaus-Caracaraí, Reserva Biológica do INPA.

215573Hopkins, Mike   432004-05-25
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária de terra firme, solo areno-argiloso.

215574Hopkins, Mike   942004-07-16
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174.

215588Hopkins, Mike   492004-05-27
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária de terra firme, solo argiloso.

215587Hopkins, Mike   512004-05-27
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária de terra firme, solo arenoso.

161358Hopkins, Mike   4741987-10-21
Brazil, Acre, Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Liberdade. Folha: SC.18-X-B. Ponto F.7 (35)., -8.5 -72.22, 269m

215591Hopkins, Mike   612004-07-16
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária.

215585Hopkins, Mike   652004-07-16
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária.

215592Hopkins, Mike   302004-05-25
Brazil, Amazonas, ZF-3, Km 37, BR-174. Mata primária de terra firme.

62886Hopkins, Mike   3671977-02-02
Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, ""Campus do INPA, Campus do INPA; capoeira, solo argiloso.""

Parodiolyra micrantha
50456Hopkins, Mike   741975-07-08
Brazil, Amazonas, Margem esquerda do rio Nhamundá. Terreno argiloso de mata alta.

41898Hopkins, Mike   P185941973-10-17
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Aripuanã, Rio Juruema, Road from Humboldt Centre, Aripuanã, Km 4, -10.2 -59.35, 373m

169858Hopkins, Mike   485A1987-11-13
Brazil, Pará, Rio Mocoões, 2 Km up river from Anajás. Terra firme forest., -0.95 -49.93, 25m

169857Hopkins, Mike   485A1987-11-13
Brazil, Pará, Rio Mocoões, 2 Km up river from Anajás. Terra firme forest., -0.95 -49.93, 25m

111203Hopkins, Mike   371983-02-05
Brazil, Rondônia, Estrada Porto Velho-Cuiabá, BR 364, Km 48. Mata primária, mexida, solo argiloso.

4558Hopkins, Mike   50-98261950-07-17
Brazil, Pará, Curralinho, Entre a fonte do Rio Mapuá e o Rio Piriá.

4906Hopkins, Mike   51-133341951-09-07
Brazil, Roraima, Boa Vista, Colônia Fernando Costa, Rio Mucajaí, pedras atrás da Colônia Fernando Costa.

4983Hopkins, Mike   51-139191951-10-00
Brazil, Roraima, Rio Branco, ""Rio Cantá; mata virgem.""

21073Hopkins, Mike   2541968-02-23
Brazil, ""Upper Alalau river; entre Est. do Amazonas e T. Roraima; growing on rocks from low forest on hill top locally common.""

64276Hopkins, Mike   31651976-10-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Palmarí, Rio Javarí, margem direita, 6 horas depois de Atalaia do Norte em Palmarí.

Chusquea anelythroides
217904Hopkins, Mike   202251950-01-30
Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Itatiaia, Maromba. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. RB - 69169.

64253Hopkins, Mike   31421976-10-14
Brazil, Amazonas, Palmarí, Rio Javarí, margem direita 6 horas depois de Atalaia do Norte em Palmarí.

Eremocaulon asymmetricum (Soderstr. & Londoño) Londoño
165145Hopkins, Mike   22661972-05-12
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Una-Olivença : 7 Km N of Una, mata litorânea. Common bamboo in coastal forest of sandy soil, in many places associated with two other bamboos, Atractantha sp (C.E.C. & R.S.P. 2264) and Merostachys sp (C.E.C. & R.S.P. 2265); leaning on vegetatio"", -15.25 -39.1, 65m

76829Hopkins, Mike   23191976-03-08
Brazil, Acre, Gallery forest outside of Cruzeiro do Sul. Sandy soil (Quaternary), with Rapateaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, and some epiphytes (bromeliads, aroids). Soil very wet. No marked dry season here as in Rio Branco. Common, small rhizomatous plants in shaded plac

76807Hopkins, Mike   22861976-02-28
Brazil, Acre, ""52 Km from Rio Branco on road to Sena Madureira; forest."", -9.683333 -67.82, 165m

105120Hopkins, Mike   23571976-04-03
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, ""12 Km NW of Ibirataia on connecting road with BR-101; the dominant plant in forest on higher parts of hill; climbing and leaning over vegetation.""

Eremocaulon asymmetricum (Soderstr. & Londoño) Londoño
105151Hopkins, Mike   23891976-04-24
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Una-Olivença, 12 Km N of Una, Faz. de Clovis de Matos Pires. Dominant plant in the understory of primary """"mata litorânea"""" of sandy soil; also a very common palm, Attalea funifera, """"piaçaba"""". Culms curved at base, decumbent, crawling or climbing""

76830Hopkins, Mike   23201976-03-08
Brazil, Acre, Gallery forest outside of Cruzeiro do Sul. Sandy soil (Quaternary), with Rapateaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, and some epiphytes (bromeliads, aroids). Soil very wet. No marked dry season here as in Rio Branco. Common rhizomatous grass in shade.

Merostachys ternata Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
105121Hopkins, Mike   23581976-04-04
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, 23 Km N of Ibirataia on side road connecting with BR-101, Fazenda Macedonia. Bamboo in humid forest of tall trees and many lianas, on lower part of slopes of hill.

70129Hopkins, Mike   23221976-03-00
Brazil, Acre, Velmonte.

105152Hopkins, Mike   23901976-04-25
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Faz. São José, 3.5 Km from road Una-São José do Macuco, ( 37 Km NW of Una). Common at edge of humid forest on gentle slope, in hilly region.

Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen
76923Hopkins, Mike   22881976-02-28
Brazil, Acre, 52 Km from Rio Branco on road to Sena Madureira. Forest with trees 20-25 m tall (Apuleia, Ceiba pentandra), mixed with bamboo. In dense shade. Uncommon. Most plants found in soil at edge of fallen branches and trunks, at base of trees where drainage

76924Hopkins, Mike   22891976-02-28
Brazil, Acre, 52 Km from Rio Branco on road to Sena Madureira. Forest with trees 20-25 m tall (Apuleia, Ceiba pentandra), mixed with bamboo. Scattered in densely shaded forest, growing among small ferns and Cryptochloa, near base of tree trunks and logs. Plants be, -9.683333 -67.82, 165m

105123Hopkins, Mike   23601976-04-05
Brazil, Bahia, Ibirataia, 23 Km N of Ibirataia, on side road connecting with BR-101, Faz. Macedonia. Common in dark places of forest with rich leaf mold, growing near base of trees of fallnd trunks.

76832Hopkins, Mike   23251976-03-09
Brazil, Acre, Humid, somewhat disturbed forest outside of Cruzeiro do Sul. Dense growth, with Parkia longipendula, Rubiaceae, many Marantaceae, and some Pariana, the soil sandy. Abundant at edge of forest.

76925Hopkins, Mike   22901976-02-28
Brazil, Acre, 52 Km from Rio Branco on road to Sena Madureira. Forest with trees 20-25 m tall (Apuleia, Ceiba pentandra), mixed with bamboo.

76833Hopkins, Mike   23261976-03-09
Brazil, Acre, Humid, somewhat disturbed forest outside of Cruzeiro do Sul. Dense growth, with Parkia longipendula, Rubiaceae, many Marantaceae, and some Pariana, the soil sandy. Common at edge of forest where somewhat disturbed.

76926Hopkins, Mike   22911976-03-01
Brazil, Acre, Rio Branco, At edge of town. Swamp (igapó) with Mauritia flexuosa and bamboo. Bamboo abundant in the swamp forming small clumps ca. 1 m or less across, the base under water, the culms ca. 5 m tall, slightly arching.

Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum Soderstr. & Londoño
105156Hopkins, Mike   23961976-04-25
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Faz. São José, ca. 2 Km from road Una-São José do Macuco. In native, humid forest in hilly area. Not forming clumps but widely spaced.

Actinocladum verticillatum (Nees) McClure ex Soderstr.
105187Hopkins, Mike   24301976-05-12
Brazil, Bahia, Andaraí, ""Serra do Sincorá, road to Itaeté, 11 Km S of Andaraí city. Abundant in dense """"cerrado"""" type of forest, forming large clumps mixed with trees and shrubs. Very dry type of forest with few herbaceous plants on mountain region, sandy soil.""

Olyra ecaudata Döll in C.F.P.von Martius
76808Hopkins, Mike   22921976-03-01
Brazil, Acre, ""About 80 Km from Rio Branco on road to Xapuri. Secondary forest with Inga, Mauritia, and bamboo; in partial shade of forest."", -10.583333 -67.87, 215m

105157Hopkins, Mike   23971976-04-26
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Una-Olivença (Estrada de Pontal), 28 Km N of Una. Abundant in """" mata litorânea"""", not very tall tree forest in sandy soil near the ocean. Forming rather lrge but not dense clumps. Culms decumbent at base then leaning or climbing over trees up to""

76809Hopkins, Mike   22931976-03-01
Brazil, Acre, About 80 Kms from Rio Branco on road to Xapuri. Secondary forest with Inga, Mauritia, and bamboo. A few plants in open disturbed areas., -10.583333 -67.87, 215m

105159Hopkins, Mike   23991976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Una-Olivença, Estrada de Pontal, 19 Km N of Una. Dominant in this part of """"mata litorânea"""" of sandy soil. Near the edge of forest mixed with another sp of Atractantha (CEC et al. 2389) and a Merostachys. Forming rather small clumps, culms decumb""

105190Hopkins, Mike   24331976-05-12
Brazil, Bahia, Andaraí, Serra do Sincorá, road to Itaeté, ca. 9 Km S of Andaraí. A rather small patch of Bambusa (sg. Guadua) in a tall, dense and dry forest with sandy soil and rocks.

105161Hopkins, Mike   24011976-04-27
Brazil, Bahia, Una, ""Road Olivença, 3 Km N of Una; abundant small seedling plants around dead bamboo in partially cut coastal forest.""

105162Hopkins, Mike   24021976-04-28
Brazil, Bahia, ""Road Una-Olivença, 5 Km N or Una. Common in """"mata litorânea of mixed, sandy soil. Forest rich in """" piaçaba"""" palm and other bamboo: Merostachys sp, Atractantha sp (CEC et al 2389); climbing and draping over the trees.""

76837Hopkins, Mike   23341976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Serra do Divisor (boundary of Brasil and Peru), primary forest with bamboo at top of serra, with little herbaceous vegetation. Rhizomatous grass, uncommon here., -8.616667 -73.35, 422m

76814Hopkins, Mike   22991976-03-03
Brazil, Acre, Road from Rio Branco to Sena Madureira. Open forest with bamboo. Common small clumps scattered evenly throughout the forest, not spreading vigorously but remaining as discrete clumps., -10.016667 -67.65, 187m

105133Hopkins, Mike   23701976-04-08
Brazil, Bahia, Jequié, 25 Km N of road Ipiau-Jequié, on road to Apuarema-Jaguaquara. Abundant in dense, indisturbed forest. Climbing bamboo forming thick masses, entangled with trees, propably up to 18-20 m in height.

Actinocladum verticillatum (Nees) McClure ex Soderstr.
105193Hopkins, Mike   24361976-05-13
Brazil, Bahia, Itaeté, Serra do Sincorá, Faz. Salubim on road to Itaeté, 26 Km SE of Andaraí. Common in little more humid slope of mountain region, with secondary, dry, low type of forest and cut-over areas. Very abundant, the bushy leafy forms of the plant with many new

105163Hopkins, Mike   24031976-04-28
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Faz. Dendaevea, 30 Km W of Una on old road Una - BR 101. Scattered on gentle slope in primary, humid forest, between ferns and other herbaceous plants.

Guadua sarcocarpa Londoño & P.M.Peterson
76838Hopkins, Mike   23351976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms., -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

76815Hopkins, Mike   23001976-03-04
Brazil, Acre, 125 Km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. Dense humid primary forest. Abundant small clumps scattered throughout the forest in dense shade, mixed with small ferns, Olyra and Pariana., -9.75 -66.33, 156m

Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum Soderstr. & Londoño
105134Hopkins, Mike   23711976-04-09
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, 4.5 Km N of Apuarema on road Apuarema-Jaguaquara, Faz. Jusara. Growing in higher part of hill near the edge of forest, not forming real clumps but the culms separated from one another.

91167Hopkins, Mike   25451979-06-17
Brazil, Amazonas, Transamazônica, 9 Km W do Rio dos Pombos.

105164Hopkins, Mike   24051976-04-29
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Road Una-São José do Macuco, 18 Km NW of Una. Very common species throughout the area, in forest on hilly region.

76839Hopkins, Mike   23361976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms. Infrequent in shade, only a few .Associated with Piresia., -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

91106Hopkins, Mike   s.n.
Brazil, Amazonas, Transamaz, 1,5 Km above ig. Mafui.

105135Hopkins, Mike   23721976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, 16 Km N of Apuarema on road Apuarema-Jaguaquara. Common in a small patch of forest on a gentle slope.

105195Hopkins, Mike   24381976-05-15
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, ""Road BR 116, ca. 42 Km N of Jequié. In dense, transitional type of forest (""""mata cipó"""") at edge of caatinga region; at present very dry. Tall trees with many lianas and big terrestrial bromeliads. Very abundant all over; vigorous.""

Merostachys ternata Nees in C.F.P.von Martius
105165Hopkins, Mike   24061976-04-29
Brazil, Bahia, Una, Road Una-São José do Macuco, 34 Km NW of Una. In a disturbed roadside forest.

76840Hopkins, Mike   23371976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms. Abundant in shade in forest, especially near stream. Associated with Cryptochloa., -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

105136Hopkins, Mike   23731976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, ""6 Km N of Apuarema on road Apuarema-Jaguaquara. Few plants found, growing in a large clump under shrubs in a disturbed area near edge of forest with Atractantha sp (CEC et al 2372); not erect but bent over vegetation.""

Guadua tagoara (Nees) Kunth
105196Hopkins, Mike   24391976-05-16
Brazil, Bahia, Jequié, Road Jequié-Ipiaú, ca. 40 Km SE of Jequié. Very abundant in tall humid forest on gentle slope of hill.

105167Hopkins, Mike   24081976-05-06
Brazil, Bahia, Esplanada, ""N of Esplanada, near the BR 101 highway. Abundant in """"carrascal"""", dense, relatively dry, low tree type of forest in sandy soil. Forming small-medium clumps, decumbent at base or arching and climbing over other vegetation.""

76841Hopkins, Mike   23381976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms., -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum Soderstr. & Londoño
165146Hopkins, Mike   23741976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, ""9 Km NW of Apuarema, on road toward Jaguaquara. Growing at the edge of road in the remains of cut forest; not forming clumps, plants widely spaced.""

105168Hopkins, Mike   24091976-05-07
Brazil, Bahia, Esplanada, ""19 Km N of Esplanada city on road to Jaquera, near intersection with BR 101, east side. In dense forest of tall trees on sand soil; very dark primary forest. Abundant throughout the forest, in some places forming a continuous carpet. In some places""

76842Hopkins, Mike   23391976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms., -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

Eremocaulon aureofimbriatum Soderstr. & Londoño
105137Hopkins, Mike   23741976-04-10
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, ""9 Km NW of Apuarema, on road toward Jaguaquara. Growing at the edge of road in the remains of cut forest; not forming clumps, plants widely spaced.""

76819Hopkins, Mike   23041976-03-04
Brazil, Acre, 125 Km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. Dense humid primary forest., -9.75 -66.33, 156m

105198Hopkins, Mike   24421976-05-20
Brazil, Bahia, Maraú, ""5.5 Km S of Maraú and ca. 15 Km from the seashore. Abundant in patches of forest in """"campo"""" region; forest very rich in """"piaçaba"""" palm (Attalea funifera). Soil very sandy and white.""

76843Hopkins, Mike   23401976-03-11
Brazil, Acre, Primary forest with Marantaceae, bamboos, ferns, palms. Boca do Tejo, at Rio Juruá. Clumps to 12 m tall at edge of river and in inundated area (igapó), the culms erect, arching at the tip, with a layer of soft gelatin-like substance inside at maturit, -8.566667 -72.32, 294m

Chusquea bahiana L.G.Clark
105138Hopkins, Mike   23751976-04-11
Brazil, Bahia, Jaguaquara, 38 Km SE of Jaguaquara on road to Apurema. Very abundant in humid forest on lower part of slopes and along streams. Climbing bamboo ca. 18 m high, covering almost all vegetation.

76820Hopkins, Mike   23051976-03-04
Brazil, Acre, 125 Km from Rio Branco on road to Porto Velho. Dense humid primary forest., -9.75 -66.33, 156m

105170Hopkins, Mike   24111976-05-07
Brazil, Bahia, Esplanada, 19 Km N of Esplanada city on road to Jaquera, near intersection with BR 101, east side. Infrequent, forming small clumps, growing in association with Raddia sp and Streptogyna americana.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 875


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